Today is Tuesday, 10th December 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Rumor’

Three Characters “Accidentally” Revealed & “Darker” Tone For Batman: Arkham Asylum 2


Holy $*#@! Batman! The sequel to the 2009 surprise hit, Batman: Arkham Asylum, has revealed three villains to the new title. In addition, Arkham Asylum 2 is revealed to be more “darker” than the previous installment.

The Shill: LittleBigPlanet 2 Announced?


For a long while, Media Molecule, developers of LittleBigPlanet stated that:

“There are no plans to create a new LittleBigPlanet game anytime in the near future”.

Well…guess everyone wasn’t in on that “LittleBigFact”.

The Nintendo 3DS – A Brand New Handheld


That’s right people. Nintendo is rolling out another type of DS to the already long Nintendo DS series. Like the DSi was different than the DS series, so will be the 3DS. So…what makes this one unique? That’s easy: it’s ability to show 3D effects.

No, it doesn’t require 3D glasses so don’t worry about being punched at school for wearing such goofy things. It will also be backwards compatible with the previous DS models — DSi / DSi XL / DSi LL / DS Lite / DS — so don’t worry, it’ll play those games without a problem.

There’s not that much information floating around at this point about how these 3D effects are achieved, but one thing is for sure — it’ll be cool and innovative. More information will be available after E3. To the 3DS — we await your arrival with great anticipation and hope that you do not disappoint us! No release date is available yet either. If you don’t care for waiting on this new 3DS release, then you could always purchase a Nintendo DSi XL / DSi LL instead. They’re pretty cool as well. Wondering what’s the difference between a Nintendo DSi and a Nintendo DSi XL / LL? Here’s a comparison with a picture comparison too: Nintendo DSi vs DSi XL – Comparison of Features.

The Shill: Next Call of Duty Will Be Set During the Vietnam War?


This year marks Treyarchs’ turn in the Call of Duty franchise, and most people are wondering: “What time period will it be set in?” The majority of the series has been set in the World War II era, and the Modern Warfare games are set in the present/future era. Now it seems, that a new era will be ushered: the Vietnam era.

The Shill: Nintendo DS2 Already In The Hands Of Pokemon Company?


Well, we’ve heard the rumors for a long time now, that the DS successor is currently being developed. It’s old news, for sure. Yet, in this case, could the “DS2” be actually be shown and announced this year? It’s seeming more and more likely.


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