Today is Saturday, 18th May 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Cool’

Video: Cool, Custom Built TRON Legacy Motorcycle / Lightcycle


Wanna look cool while driving? Then drive a TRON Lightcycle 😉 Below is a video of a custom-made one that looks really well-made. Check it out:

Destroy Geek Montage


Okay we are giving you the power. Go ahead and destroy GeekMontage by clicking the link below!

Click here to Destroy GeekMontage =)

We had a good run right?

Autodesk University – Holographic Sheets, Zebra Imaging


People who are into architecture and autodesk design software are going to love this. Zebra Imaging has created holographic sheets that allow for models and 3D imaging made in software such as Autocad to be viewed in holographic form through special sheets. It allows for many different perspective and is faster to create than scaled models. Though it looks cool in the video still, I assure you it looks even nicer in person.

Cool Video: Best Driving Simulator in the World


This video is of the most advanced driving simulator in the entire world, which was created by Lexus. It was made to feel as real as possible. In fact, it emulates driving perfectly. Currently, they use it to help predict driver behavior, perform digital crash tests, and more. The simulator is housed in a big dome and can move laterally / side-to-side, forward, and backward. Watch the video for more information!

“It began with a need for a deeper understanding of the driver and grew into an innovation so revolutionary, it could change the way we move through the world, and how we drive tomorrow. Learn more about the most advanced driving simulator in the world at

Actroid-F – A 100% Human Looking Robot


Meet Actroid-F. This is by far one of the most human-like robots ever created, possessing a wide variety of facial movement capabilities that look natural.

“AIST opened the doors to their lab for a few days and showed off some of their robotics development with Actroid-F. The operator’s facial expressions and head movements are tracked and replicated by the robot.”

Pretty neat, huh? I know I thought so! Imagine what robots will be like in another one-hundred or so years. They’ll put this one to shame I’m sure. In fact, maybe life will go the way of the Terminator movies and robots will rebel against human society…Or not.


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