Today is Tuesday, 18th February 2025

Cool Video: Best Driving Simulator in the World


This video is of the most advanced driving simulator in the entire world, which was created by Lexus. It was made to feel as real as possible. In fact, it emulates driving perfectly. Currently, they use it to help predict driver behavior, perform digital crash tests, and more. The simulator is housed in a big dome and can move laterally / side-to-side, forward, and backward. Watch the video for more information!

“It began with a need for a deeper understanding of the driver and grew into an innovation so revolutionary, it could change the way we move through the world, and how we drive tomorrow. Learn more about the most advanced driving simulator in the world at


  1. Comments  Enki   |  Monday, 08 November 2010 at 2:37 PM

    All they need to do now is add a few law enforcement vehicles in to let people see how bad they’d do trying to escape a chase.

  2. Comments  Luke Anderson   |  Thursday, 18 November 2010 at 3:49 AM

    A wonderful and interesting video! Since the size is larger with more varieties of movements the driver sitting inside can actually get the taste of driving a real car. Mercedes-Benz has recently launched a simulator for drivers which is wonderful teacher for new drivers. View their video on

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