Today is Saturday, 7th September 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Cool’

Cool Video: Fake Japanese Pool


Neat false pool in Japan.

Cool: Video Game in a Box


Talk about cool and geeky! This is a VIDEO GAME IN A BOX! Driven by servo motors, magnetic sensors, a piezo speaker, and a teagueduino. Plus a knob and LED of course.

Watch mario jump over goombas and other things. Here’s a link to the project Source Code and here’s the description:

It’s a video game in a box!
This is a physical side scrolling adventure. Make it though the land of evil hopping meanies, industrial debris, and warp tubes. Good luck!
Each obstacle is mounted to the scrolling background with magnetic tape. If the hero passes over one, you die and the game is over.

I’d definitely like to attempt something such as this with my Arduino-Compatible Mega 1280. Maybe ping in a box first!

Drive or Fly?


Howdy.  For all of you vacationers out there, the one question probably comes to mind each time:  Is it cheaper to fly or drive?

Well thanks to, they made a calculator for that question!

It asks you the basic things, like starting point and destination, but also goes more in depth like your vehicle’s make and model!  MPG is a factor here!

Try it yourself!

For instance, it’s cheaper for me to drive to South of the Border, SC to get my fireworks than to fly.


Cool Video: “Mind your step” — A Street Illusion


This video is pretty cool. It’s about something called “Mind your step” — a street illusion at “Sergels torg”. It was made by Erik Johansson. Would be fun to step on that bit of ground, huh?

Internet, Meet Your Grandpa


In reference to a post Enki made a little while ago, here’s another web-based text “hacking” exercise. Telehack is a full recreation of the Internet circa 1985-ish when it was still ARPANET, featuring fully working BASIC interpreter and lists of hosts available at the time. It even has copies of BBS networks and their contents at the time. Don’t bother trying to add to it though, it’s only a historical record. Still fascinating to read what’s on there though and compare to what it looks like now. FYI still combing the records for lists of Soviet nuclear secrets… no luck so far.


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