Today is Tuesday, 18th March 2025

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Cool Video: Hula Cam at Burning Man 2012


At Burning Man 2012, someone attached a GoPro video camera to a Hula Hoop. Check it out!

How to Make a Live Webcam Green Screen Using HTML5


HTML5 is the future of web browsing. It is ridiculously flexible and allows you to do more things than you could ever imagine.

Even the classic video game DOOM was ported over to HTML5 (with a bit of JavaScript too). And it runs great in web browsers!

So HTML5’s coolness is even further reinforced when you see awesome creations being developed such as a HTML5 Webcam Green Screen.

This proof of concept (video below) uses HTML5’s GetUserMedia function to put it all together.

This is pretty cutting edge stuff — so not all browsers will support the same HTML5 functions just yet (I’m looking at you, IE!).

In fact, for the HTML5 Green Screen Demo Page you will want to use Opera 12+ to view it successfully.

When all browsers are caught up in the world of HTML5 though, then this won’t be the case.

From one geek to another, let’s just put it as this: HTML5 is cool stuff!

Borderlands 2 – Best Gunzerker Class Build


Borderlands 2 classSalvador the Gunzerker…His name induces fear…His talents? Death!

With one gun in each hand, the Gunzerker is able to make use of two of the best weapons in the game at the SAME time!

This is important since while certain attack skills become less useful as time goes on (debateable: such as Axton the Commando’s turret or Gaige the Mechromancer’s Death Trap robot), skills pertaining to your actual weapons always stay good.

Think about it. In one hand, Salvador the Gunzerker could have the best weapon in Borderlands 2Conference Call (shotgun) — while in the other hand he could have the best Seraph gun in Borderlands 2Hyperion Actualizer. If you’re into E-Tech weapons, then a good alternative if you don’t want to farm seraph crystals, is to try to get the Best E-Tech Weapon in Borderlands 2 — the Predacious PBFG…but that’s a rocket launcher so it’s limited on shots.

Borderlands 2: Secret Boss – Vermivorous the Invincible


He is the hardest boss in Borderlands 2 — Vermivorous the Invincible — and has around double the HP / Health of his thresher counterpart: Terramorphous the Invincible.

Vermivorous is a Varkid bug that has evolved completely from his Larval Varkid state.

To create this boss, you must have a Larval Varkid transform into an Adult Varkid…and then a Badass Varkid…Super Badass Varkid…Ultimate Badass Varkid…and then finally, into Vermivorous the Invincible.

It takes awhile…and a lot of patience.

Fighting him is even worse. The insect takes so long to kill after his morphosis, that you’ll want to be in a duo / co-op situation instead of attacking him solo. With a party, the difficulty may scale, but you’ll have more of a tactical advantage and someone to resurrect you (such as a Siren).

For help beating this Borderlands 2 boss, check out: How to Kill Vermivorous The Invincible

Borderlands 2: Guide – Kill Terramorphous the Invincible!


Terramorphous the Invincible…Even the name is hard to say — which is good considering he’s a hard thresher boss. You may be wondering how to kill Terramorphous the Invincible.

Is he worth the pain and cost of 4 Eridium per battle? Yes.

Terramorphous the Invincible drops fantastic loot. It is not uncommon to find rare artifacts / relics, epic class mods, legendary guns, strong shields, and awesome grenade mods and skins after killing this monster of a boss. In fact, many people farm Terramorphous the Invincible after beating the game to get even more great equipment.

It doesn’t matter what class you fight as — Mechromancer, Assassin, Commando, Gunzerker, or Siren — Terramorphous can be killed by them all…Even in a solo mode during Playthrough 2 / Vault Hunter Mode. However a party is greatly recommended — so duo or get an even bigger group.

For further information and a guide with good tips on defeating the boss, go to: Borderlands 2: How to Kill Terramorphous the Invincible


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