Home / Borderlands 2: Secret Boss – Vermivorous the InvincibleBorderlands 2: Secret Boss – Vermivorous the Invincible
Last Updated on Saturday, 20 October 2012 02:37 Written by DarkKnightH20 Saturday, 20 October 2012 02:36

He is the hardest boss in Borderlands 2 — Vermivorous the Invincible — and has around double the HP / Health of his thresher counterpart: Terramorphous the Invincible.
Vermivorous is a Varkid bug that has evolved completely from his Larval Varkid state.
To create this boss, you must have a Larval Varkid transform into an Adult Varkid…and then a Badass Varkid…Super Badass Varkid…Ultimate Badass Varkid…and then finally, into Vermivorous the Invincible.
It takes awhile…and a lot of patience.
Fighting him is even worse. The insect takes so long to kill after his morphosis, that you’ll want to be in a duo / co-op situation instead of attacking him solo. With a party, the difficulty may scale, but you’ll have more of a tactical advantage and someone to resurrect you (such as a Siren).
For help beating this Borderlands 2 boss, check out: How to Kill Vermivorous The Invincible
Tags: Borderlands 2, Games