Today is Tuesday, 21st January 2025

Posts Tagged ‘Movie’

Jackass 3D


Jackass 3-D
Yes its a movie trailer, but they’re giving 3-D movies a whole new meaning.

So it seems 3 dimension movies are the way of the future cinema scheme.

Great Star Wars Video: Vader Sessions


To commemorate the anniversary of the first “Star Wars” movie, here is a old, but very funny, Star Wars video!

Funny Video Batman Movie Rap


I encountered this video a bit ago. Thought it was pretty well done. It’s a Batman movie rap. Check it out–


Avatar the Last Air Bender Trailer


So Nickelodeon decided to make Avatar the awesome cartoon into a real movie. The kid is suppose to be twelve but he kinda looks like he is eight. But that is okay. The effects look like that are pretty good. What do you all think of it? You should totally check out the show if you haven’t. For those of you who have seen it… you can go ahead and complain that they didn’t put any Asians in this movie… kinda reminds me of the Dragonball movie. tsk tsk.

Metal Gear Solid Fan Movie Released


Just last weekend, years of development, effort and devoted fan-following by thousands paid off as Metal Gear Solid: Philanthropy was released across the Internet.

Now I have standards for watching fan-made movies, and let me tell you right now without spoiling a damn thing– they’ve done a good job here, and the movie is entirely worth watching. So sit back, grab a soda and take it in.


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