Today is Saturday, 4th January 2025

Posts Tagged ‘apple’

Whoopi Goldberg Kills Her iPhone 4


Just to stay in the same theme as my post yesterday, here is Whoopi Goldberg talking about her experience with the iPhone 4 after “upgrading” from the iPhone 3g.

What China Thinks about Steve Jobs and the iPhone 4


Here is a funny video that I found online. It is in Chinese but has English subtitles if you turn them on.

iPhone 4 / iOS4 – No Privacy, Constant Info Sent to Apple + AT&T


Yep. Apple decided that it would be a great idea to constantly have their iPhone 4 send information that should generally remain private to both AT&T and themselves. In my opinion, this makes it crap, though I’m sure a lot of the Apple fans won’t really care. Here’s some informaton on them FORCING updates on your phone…Not that everything in quotes was said by an employee of Apple:

What it’s like to own an Apple product


Here is a funny comic I read today on The Oatmeal. It does a great job of showing you the hardships and rewards of owning an Apple product. You may view the comic here.

Smartphone Operating System Marketshare


A lot of people assume that either the iPhone OS or Google Android OS are the #1 smartphone operating systems used. Actually, they’re not! The number one spot belongs to….RIM! With their BlackBerry operating system. Android takes second place, which use to belong to Apple, who now takes third place instead. Here’s a chart to put things in a more visual perspective–

Click to Enlarge Graph

Smartphone Operating Systems Chart - RIM BlackBerry, Google Android, Apple iPhone OSX, Palm webOS, Windows Mobile

Obviously Android will stay on the rise and, in my opinion, overtake the number 1 spot easily. This is because Android is an operating system that isn’t specific to a certain brand of phone, unlike Apple, and therefore can expand easily.



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