Today is Thursday, 2nd January 2025

Archive for the ‘Phones’ Category

Googe Voice Available to All Now


Google likes to release services left and right. For awhile, their service Google Voice has been invite-only for beta testing reasons. Well, that day has come to an end and now it’s available to everyone! It seems to be a really interesting service packed with features so I suggest checking out the official Google Voice website for more information.

Apple Unveils New In-Phone Ad System


Well, it’s finally here: along with Steve Jobs’ introduction of a shining, tempered-glass and aluminum shelled new generation iPhone that’s had a good part of the internet in uproarious joy, so too came the ad service that more than a few people had speculated would come (I’m sure they have anyways).

Called iAd (duh), the service will see in-app ads that will be themselves interactive in some form or another. While these ads will take up the entire screen, there will be options to close out the ads and won’t be locked in place. Additionally, since it’s Apple, there’s a rather high probability that we’ll see advertisers wrung through the same strict standards that app developers are. Anything remotely resembling a Head-On commercial on the iPhone is, I think, doubtful (unless you pull it up deliberately on YouTube to annoy someone else).

You can see the original Gizmodo article here.

Operating System Android 2.2 Update – Froyo (Frozen Yogurt)


The following phones will likely receive this upgrade — Motorola Droid, Google ‘s Nexus One, the Droid Incredible, and some others. However, the Nexus One and Motorola Droid will receive it in June for sure. This is suppose to make the operating system up to 5 times faster when compared to the 2.1 version because of the new Dalvik JIT compiler. Exchange capabilities are also being implemented for enterprise uses (i.e. calendar syncing) and many APIs were added. Version 2.2 is also suppose to offer the fastest internet browsing experience available. This should be a really cool update that many will look forward to I’m sure!

Smartphone Operating System Marketshare


A lot of people assume that either the iPhone OS or Google Android OS are the #1 smartphone operating systems used. Actually, they’re not! The number one spot belongs to….RIM! With their BlackBerry operating system. Android takes second place, which use to belong to Apple, who now takes third place instead. Here’s a chart to put things in a more visual perspective–

Click to Enlarge Graph

Smartphone Operating Systems Chart - RIM BlackBerry, Google Android, Apple iPhone OSX, Palm webOS, Windows Mobile

Obviously Android will stay on the rise and, in my opinion, overtake the number 1 spot easily. This is because Android is an operating system that isn’t specific to a certain brand of phone, unlike Apple, and therefore can expand easily.


Dual Boot HTC Hero Android Operating Systems


I just updated the article Review / Comparison: HTC Touch Pro 2, HTC Hero, or Samsung Moment? to add information about dual booting the HTC Hero’s Android OS. This means having both Android operating systems version 1.5 and 2.1 on the phone. Nobody thinks to dual boot phones, that’s usually for PC’s only. Times are changing, however, and I’m sure dual booting smartphones will be a common thing soon enough.


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