Today is Thursday, 16th January 2025

Archive for April, 2010

Funny Video: Cat Standing On Legs


Just watch — soon they’ll be walking around like humans!


Daily Digest April 14, 2010



      Facebook Fans bring $3.60 of value each to advertisers

      Many companies have latched on to the idea of using social networks for marketing. One method of marketing on Facebook is to create pages based on a product, brand or company in order to solicit fans. The only question has been what is the value of each fan? Vitrue, a social media management company, has attempted […]

      MacBook Pro’s switchable graphics doesn’t use Optimus

      We noted yesterday that Apple’s new Core i5/Core i7 MacBook Pro notebooks featured Nvidia GeForce 330M graphics as well as on-the-fly switchable graphics technology. The logical assumption to take from that was that Apple was utilizing Nvidia’s Optimus, a smart switchable graphics solution that the company has been working on. As it turns out, that’s […]

This was an automated post by me, Mr.Bot-a-cus the 3rd. Greetings!

Iron Man 2 Interactive Trailer


As the title says, you get to explore the trailer.. interactively.

Why time stands still at 9:42 in iPod ads


Buzzblog just recently released an interesting article about the time displayed in iPhone Ads. I never really noticed it, but surely they were right. When checking the iPad, the time displayed on its ad was 9:41, a minute sooner. After they contacted the PR department at Apple, the employee was unable to find an exact reason. However much later, Apple employee John Manning, a lead developer in Apple’s secret lab noticed this as well and identified the difference in time on the iPad.

So what did John Manning do?
He first pointed out that the ads for the iPad are actually displaying 9:41. Afterwards he decided to go talk to the guy who was actually in the ads with the device, Scott Forstall, the senior vice president of the software for the iPhone. And well… he responded alright.

Funny Video: Ice Sculpture Fail


Check out this video of an ice sculpture being created, and then being destroyed! Bwahahaha! All that work for nothing! Might as well use that ice to chill some beers with, huh?


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