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Archive for December, 2009

Daily Digest December 31, 2009



      Kodak lets you post pictures on their Times Square display, when you want it

      Kodak, the company that is well known across the globe for photography and imaging products, has a cool new opportunity. They are allowing people to submit and post images to their large digital display at Times Square in New York City. If you think wasn’t cool enough, they even give you the option to choose […]

      Star Wars and The A-Team get mashed-up

      You know some things are just great together; like peanut butter and jelly, mustard and bratwurst, beer and well, more beer. But who would have ever dreamed that one beloved mercenary television series and an iconic science fiction story from the silver screen would mesh so beautifully together? Apparently kalleanka71 from YouTube had a vision they would.
      Take one part […]

This was an automated post by me, Mr.Bot-a-cus the 3rd. Greetings!

Free 3 Month Amazon Prime Trial


This is from Bisquick at SlickDeals and allows for Amazon users to have 3 free months of Amazon Prime, which gives users free 2-Day shipping on all qualified items. What makes this extra cool is that those who have done an Amazon Prime trial previously can partake in this one still.

1. Click here
2. Add the book to cart using the “Add to cart with free 2-day shipping” button on the right of the page (if visible)
A. If the button is not visible, simply add the book to cart
3. Login to your account, and sign up for free 3-month trial of Amazon Prime when prompted
A. If the button was not visible in (2), in cart switch to “FREE Two-Day Shipping with a free trial of Amazon Prime” shipping
B. Sign up for trial as prompted
4. Once sign up is completed, remove the book from your cart
5. Click here, log in if prompted and turn off your prime membership from automatic upgrade by clicking “Do Not Upgrade” button, and confirm your selection
6. Enjoy your free 3-month trial of Amazon Prime!

Daily Digest December 30, 2009



      Notion Ink’s Adam tablet first to get new Pixel Qi display

      Pixel Qi announced it was developing a new display early this year that managed to be very power efficient due to the fact it could use natural light to aid brightness as well as sporting a typical LCD backlight. Effectively this one display could act as both a normal LCD and an e-reader screen.
      After the […]

      Apple bends to Chinese censors, kicks Dalai Lama apps from the App Store

      A bunch of Dalai Lama-themed apps, including those just remotely mentioning the Tibetan spiritual leader, have been removed from the Chinese App Store following government pressure.
      Apple has banned all iPhone applications related to Dalai Lama from its China App Store, IDG News Service reported Wednesday. Banned apps include Dalai Quotes, Dalai Lama Quotes, and Dalai […]

This was an automated post by me, Mr.Bot-a-cus the 3rd. Greetings!

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Most Pirated Game of 2009

call-of-duty-modern-warfare-2-most-pirated-game-of-2009 reports that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is the number 1 most pirated game of 2009 with an astonishing 4,100,000 downloads (PC) and 970,000 (XBox 360).

The runners up in the PC category: The Sims 3 (3,200,000 downloads), Prototype (2,350,000 downloads), Need For Speed Shift (2,100,000 downloads), and Street Fighter IV (1,850,000 downloads). Internet Service Providers and even the Jedi must feel the amount of bandwidth being consumed from all the downloading.

Drunk Cat Goes Down Stairs


Here is a funny video showing a cat trying to go down a flight of stairs.


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