Today is Thursday, 30th January 2025

Posts Tagged ‘review’

Mionix Naos 5000 Review


I have owned this mouse for exactly a year now, and thought I’d give it the review it deserves.
logitech mionix

Review: Mass Effect 3


Source: Wikimedia

Title: Mass Effect 3

Genre: Third-Person Shooter RPG, Science Fiction

Release Date: March 6th, 2012 (US), March 9th, 2012 (EU), March 15th, 2012 (JP)

System: PC, Xbox 360, PS3

Format: DVD, Blu-ray, Digital (EA Origin)


Lacking no amount of graphical and combat polish that belies their other titles, Mass Effect 3 is a surprisingly wanting exercise for BioWare in terms of the deeper narrative substance of it.

Vornado VH103/AVH2/VH102 Heater Review


Vornado Heaters Just in time for the holidays. I have taken the time to write a review for the Vornado VH103/AVH2/VH102 Heater.

Although you may be interested in other Vornado heaters, this review should be comprehensive enough to cover them as well due to the sheer fact that they all share a lot of the same technology and mainly very on strength needed.

You can read my Vornado VH103/AVH2/VH102 Heater Review here. I hope that it helps you with your decisions in what type of heater to buy this year.

Rosetta Stone Review, Discount, and Demo


Rosetta Stone Review. Do you want to learn a new language? Not sure what the best way to go about learning it is? Well you could take a class, you could go to the country, you could buy a book or a tape. One of the most popular and effective offerings for starting your language learning is Rosetta Stone. Just recently, they launched a brand new version of their language software.

Rosetta Stone TOTALe Rosetta Course

Rosetta Stone TOTALe Rosetta Course

This new version, called Rosetta Stone v4 TOTALe promises many more effective ways to learn languages over its predecessor, version 3.0.

You can read our review of Rosetta Stone v4 TOTALe here as we tell you about the strengths and weaknesses of this award-winning solution.

Game Reviews: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty


Title: Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty
Release Date: July 27, 2010
Platforms: PC, Mac
Availability: Retail, Digital Distribution
Players: 1-8 (over internet connection on

Starcraft II - Wings of Liberty BoxAfter having spent the past two days with Starcraft II since its midnight launch, I have to say it’s been an interesting experience. For a lot of you, that might seem a very underwhelming evaluation of the game and I have to say, I was in fact a bit underwhelmed. However, that in no way means that Starcraft II is in any way a sub-par title. There’s a very good reason Blizzard sunk $100 million into this baby and it shows pretty much everywhere you look.

Let’s break it down for you though.


Blizzard’s always had a strong tradition of pushing the graphics in their games. However, in SCII, you won’t see the best graphics Blizzard has to offer during the RTS portions of the gameplay.


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