Today is Friday, 14th February 2025

Posts Tagged ‘mouse’

Mionix Naos 5000 Review


I have owned this mouse for exactly a year now, and thought I’d give it the review it deserves.
logitech mionix

Toe mouse


A new invention for the disabled resulted in a computer mouse that could be used with one’s foot. It’s designed after flip-flops for ease of use.
Toe Mouse
IMO, this probably won’t sell too well, for its target audience. However, for us lazy bums out there, this seems like an interesting item to test, no?


Review of the Logitech S520 Keyboard and Mouse Combo From Geek Montage


I went ahead and reviewed Logitech’s S520 Keyboard and Mouse Combo due to the special openbox sale going on with it today. You may view the Logitech S520 Keyboard and Mouse Review here.

You may view the special Logitech S520 + Alto Dented Box Sale here. Don’t worry, Logitech gives a full warranty to its dented box items, and guarantees it to work like new. Use the code “logi_s520b_11609” to save $50. Thanks yuugotserved.

Logitech S510 Keyboard and Mouse Reviewed


In the spirit of reviews,we have reviewed the Logitech S510 Keyboard and Mouse Combo. Although it is an older set, it is still widely available and deserved some attention. You may read the Logitech S510 Keyboard and Mouse Combo Review here.


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