Today is Friday, 14th March 2025

Posts Tagged ‘guide’

StarWars Force Unleashed II Crashes C2D Freezes Language Change and Fixes


We have been on a roll this week with getting you fixes for games. Here is a list of fixes for StarWars Force Unleashed II (2). We included a variety of fixes for crashes, freezing, black screens, and even changing the language from Russian to English. You may read our Star Wars Force Unleashed II Error Fixes Guide here.

Lost Planet 2 Crashes, Freezes, xlive.dll Missing, Glitches, Lags, 0x80072751 Fixes


We have another list of game fixes here. This time it is for the hit game Lost Planet 2. You can find our list of game fixes for Lost Planet 2 here.

Civilization V Crashes, Black Screen, CTD, Anti Alias (AA), Freezes, 0x8000ffff, Wont Save Fixes


Hew… that was a mouthful. We have come up with a list of fixes for Civilization V. This includes the game crashing to the desktop (CTD), not letting users use Anti-Aliasing, Civilization V freezing, the 0x8000ffff error, the game not saving, and much more. If your game works, we tell you how to skip that annoying intro video so it still is worth a look! You can read our Civilization V Troubleshooting Guide here.

Cool Invisible Bottle Illusion


Look at this cool effect! Now you see it… now you don’t. If only I could hide other stuff this way. This is obviously witchcraft!


– ナオ太 (Naota)

Dead Rising 2 Crashes + Black Screen Fix, Sound Fix, Save Fix, Controller Not Detecting


Since people were so interested in the previous Dead Rising 2 Post I decided to put out another one.  Click here to find out how to fix Dead Rising 2 Crashes, the Dead Rising 2 Black / Blank Screen, Dead Rising 2 Not Launching, Dead Rising 2 not Saving, and Dead Rising 2 Not Detecting the Controller

*Whew* That was a lot of fixes. =)

Have the MSVCR100.dll error?

You can look at the post Dead Rising 2 Fix “msvcr100.dll is missing from your computer” here.


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