Today is Sunday, 5th January 2025

Posts Tagged ‘Google’

Funny Video: Chrome Multitask Mode (Google April Fools)


April Fools Day video by Google pertaining to Chrome. A multitask mode that gives you access to two mice (mouses) at once and shuts down your computer if the two mouse pointers get too close. Good for sharing one computer between two people 😉 They have a fake demo you can do of it too.

8-bit Google Maps for Nintendo (NES)


You can also call it Famicom 😉

Happy April Fools from Google via a funny video.

Be sure to prank the pajesus out of your friends today.

It is…after all…April Fools Day.

Firefox vs Chrome vs IE


Here is a great little comic showing the battle between browsers – Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer. Click the image to see it larger.

Chrome VS Firefox VS Internet Explorer

As many of you know, Internet Explorer is losing market-share more and more as time goes on. Chrome is taking market share from both browsers, but Firefox is hanging in there.

Google does a barrel roll!


Want to see how? Head on over to Google and tell it to “do a barrel roll!”

Know People Who Ask Too Many Questions?


Well I know I do. Sometimes I just want to tell them to just look these things up themselves! That is what they great website is for called LMGTFY – Let Me Google That For You.

Watch, here is a great example of LMGTFY in use.


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