Today is Saturday, 21st December 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Fix’

McAfee Restarts/Reboots/Shutdowns Windows XP FIX


Here is a solution on how to fix the latest McAfee incident. The latest update causes Windows XP user’s computers to shutdown, or reboot. The following steps are courtesy of CNET.

Note: We recommend using a different Antivirus such as Kaspersky, Avira, or Nod32.

# Step 1: Open a command prompt: Start menu, Run, then type cmd and hit Enter Step 2: Type shutdown -a, which will prevent the shutdown from occurring McAfee has revealed two fixes for the problem. Each one requires multiple steps, and can be confusing. If you’re not comfortable with advanced computer fixes, you should get help with this.

New Text: Fixing the Sansa Fuze Thumb-Wheel Guide


It feels like it’s been awhile since I’ve written a “text” on anything. Not too long ago, I purchased the Sansa Fuze MP3 player, which is completely awesome! I’ll write a review on that later, of course, but in the mean time I’ve created a guide on fixing the thumb-wheel, which jams and stiffens up for some people. Do not worry, it is very easily fixed!

Read my awesome guide: How to Fix the Sansa Fuze Thumb-Wheel.

Catalyst Install Manager has stopped working The RESOLVED Fixed Solution


Just a quick notice. I have updated the “Catalyst Install Manager has stopped working The RESOLVED Fixed Solution” article. I updated the article slightly. I am glad to hear that this article has been so helpful to you all!

Catalyst 9.10 Released and Catalyst Crash Fix


Ati has released version 9.10 of Catalyst. You may download them here. Have you been an unfortunate soul like me and have been crashing at the install screen?  Well I have devised a solution to fix that as well.

Read here on how to fix the “Catalyst Install Manager has stopped working” error message.

Fix Your Beer Pong Balls!


When I read this…I immediately thought of Foose. I then proceeded to be in awe at how simple this method was to fix the dents in these little ping pong balls. Save money next time you or your frat are having a party by fixing your “old dented balls”!


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