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How to Fix – Call of Duty: Black Ops II – Mouse Sensitivity / Acceleration
Last Updated on Tuesday, 13 November 2012 03:40 Written by DarkKnightH20 Tuesday, 13 November 2012 03:40

Perhaps one of the most annoying errors and bugs encountered by PC users playing games like CoD: Black Ops 2, is that the mouse sensitivty can be either too high or too low.
This issue is further difficulty to deal with when using a high DPI mouse.
Normally, this is easily dealt with by altering the included config / configuration file included with the game (including on Steam copies)…But unfortunately, the config file is encrypted for whatever reason.
To deal with this mouse acceleration problem, the best way of going about it is via the steps below.
— Turn off Sync Every Frame (also known as VSYNC, disable to reduce input lag)
— If using a console version of the game (or PC) with a HDTV, be sure to set your TV / Monitor to GAMING mode (solves stuttering issues)
— Upgrade your graphics card drivers to latest NVIDIA / ATI drivers (as of this time — beta drivers)
— Set your FPS limit higher -> 60
— Those with TWO graphics card (i.e. an integrated graphics card + a dedicated graphics card) will want to set their computer to use the dedicated card
Note that for some people, this problems is also worse during single player rather than multiplayer.
Tags: Black Ops II, call of duty, Game Fixes, Games | Posted under Games | 4 Comments
Fix – CoD Black Ops II: Mouse Lag When Aiming Down Sight
Last Updated on Tuesday, 13 November 2012 03:21 Written by DarkKnightH20 Tuesday, 13 November 2012 03:20

The game may run perfectly for you in general, but lags you once you start trying to aim.
This isn’t entirely a mouse acceleration / input problem, but rather a Call of Duty Black Ops 2 lag issue from the game itself.
To help improve or fix your aiming situation, you’ll want to do the following steps below.
Do note that future game patches will also help this issue and provide greater compatibility with people’s mouse and keyboard situations, as well as hardware specs.
— Turn off Shadows
— Turn off Ambient Occlusion
— Set Texture to AUTOMATIC instead of having it set as extra
— Turn off Sync Every Frame (like VSYNC)
— Lower your resolution
— Upgrade to latest NVIDIA / ATI / Intel drivers (they have released updated drivers for improved support for this game and it solves bugs, glitches, and lag issues)
It may not fix the problem entirely for you, but it WILL improve it.
This has been tested on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and also Windows 8 — with noticeable improvements on each.
Tags: Black Ops II, call of duty, Game Fixes, Games | Posted under Games | 2 Comments
Borderlands 2 – Best Siren Class Build
Last Updated on Thursday, 25 October 2012 11:45 Written by DarkKnightH20 Thursday, 25 October 2012 11:43

Just like in the first game, Borderlands 2 has the Siren class. They both utilized Phase abilities — although different in nature — and I wouldn’t be surprised if Borderlands 3 sported the Siren class as well.
This Siren character is named Maya and she uses Phaselock to trap and hurt enemies. This is a great skill for when you have to solo since you can use it for crowd control.
Like the Soldier from Borderlands 1, Maya can heal by shooting and revive people with her skill (if you spec it) instantly from far away. This makes her the best support class in Borderlands 2.
However, we aren’t focusing on that, or a tank version of Maya. No — we are looking at the almighty strongest Siren build — the high damage per second (DPS) build that lets you do an incredible amount of elemental damage to unsuspecting enemies.
Tags: Borderlands 2, Games, guides | Posted under News | No Comments
New Borderlands 2 Patch v1.1.3
Last Updated on Friday, 26 October 2012 02:16 Written by DarkKnightH20 Thursday, 25 October 2012 09:54

This new patch was just released!
Update v1.1.3 (Released 10/25/2012)
– Added a toggle for whether textures should fade or pop in when a higher-resolution version loads. High-end computers can disable this to avoid seeing lower-resolution textures streaming in.
– Added the ability to reset all challenge progress for a character once they’ve completed 85% of all non-DLC, non-area-specific challenge levels. This will keep the player’s current challenge bonuses and rank, but reset all challenge progress to 0 and allow challenges to be re-completed for additional ranks and bonuses. Resetting is available on the “challenges” screen of the status menu and will display as a tooltip at the bottom of the screen if the player has met the criteria.
– Fixed a bug where profile files set to “read only” were not being saved.
– Fixed a performance issue in Captain Scarlett and her Pirate’s Booty content with PhysX set to Medium or High.
Some nice updates!
You can get more BadAss / Bad Ass points this way in the game since you can reset them after reaching 85% total completion.
Also, Captain Scarlett DLC will become more playable, as that DLC did not work well for a lot of people and caused lag. Patch your game with this new update to fix it and go get some seraph crystals and weapons!
It’s also worth pointing out that people who bad issues such as Borderlands 2 not saving character data — it looks like this may fix that for you.
Tags: Borderlands 2, Games | Posted under Games | No Comments
Borderlands 2 – Best Assassin Class Build
Last Updated on Thursday, 25 October 2012 09:28 Written by DarkKnightH20 Thursday, 25 October 2012 09:22

The Borderlands 2 class Assassin is what you’d expect it to be.
Stealth & long distance killing with sniper rifles, with strong melee thrown in for good measure
Zer0 / Zero revolves around his action skill called Decepti0n / Deception. This is what we call the Best Assassin Skill Build. This makes your critical hits ridiculously powerful and accurate, while also making sniper rifles more efficient with larger capacity and increased damage. To add some defensive / tank style skills, health and shield skills were obtained.
This build works well for soloing and co-op.
Tags: Borderlands 2, Games, guides | Posted under Games | No Comments