Today is Thursday, 13th February 2025

How to Fix – Call of Duty: Black Ops II – Mouse Sensitivity / Acceleration


Perhaps one of the most annoying errors and bugs encountered by PC users playing games like CoD: Black Ops 2, is that the mouse sensitivty can be either too high or too low.

This issue is further difficulty to deal with when using a high DPI mouse.

Normally, this is easily dealt with by altering the included config / configuration file included with the game (including on Steam copies)…But unfortunately, the config file is encrypted for whatever reason.

To deal with this mouse acceleration problem, the best way of going about it is via the steps below.

— Turn off Sync Every Frame (also known as VSYNC, disable to reduce input lag)
— If using a console version of the game (or PC) with a HDTV, be sure to set your TV / Monitor to GAMING mode (solves stuttering issues)
— Upgrade your graphics card drivers to latest NVIDIA / ATI drivers (as of this time — beta drivers)
— Set your FPS limit higher -> 60
— Those with TWO graphics card (i.e. an integrated graphics card + a dedicated graphics card) will want to set their computer to use the dedicated card

Note that for some people, this problems is also worse during single player rather than multiplayer.


  1. Comments  Samuel   |  Wednesday, 14 November 2012 at 8:06 AM

    Thanks @DarkKnightH20

    I’ll try this tonight.

    The next step is to buy Blops 2 on xbox… 🙁

  2. Comments  abcde   |  Wednesday, 14 November 2012 at 2:05 PM

    So annoying that they encrypted the config file. Stupid!

  3. Comments  RuStAk   |  Saturday, 17 November 2012 at 3:42 PM

    I did all steps but mouse acceleration is still on.

  4. Comments  noobse   |  Thursday, 10 January 2013 at 9:42 AM

    try this, worked for me in both BO2 and MW3

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