Today is Sunday, 16th March 2025

Archive for December, 2009

Game: Escape the Bathroom 3D


Hi Everyone! Foose and I worked hard on this game. It is called Escape the Bathroom.
Actually we have had it done for a long time but we never displayed it on our site. So hear it is. Enjoy.

Click here to play the full-size version of Escape the Bathroom.

Thanks to DarkKnightH20 for his help. And a big thanks to Foose. Without Foose this game wouldn’t have happened, as he did almost all the work. Also thanks to the rest of the GM staff for debugging.

This is our first game so bare with us here… Escape the Store promises to have many more items, better navigation, in-game puzzles and more.

Daily Digest December 16, 2009



      Square’s card reader tech may already be patented

      Earlier this month, I reported about a new startup by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey called Square. Square’s goal is to simplify credit card transactions by using mobile devices with a special credit card reader which uses the audio jack common on all mobile phones. Square may have one problem though. A professor is claiming he […]

      Neato Robotics to launch a new robotic vacuum cleaner

      When you think of the world of robotic vacuums one name presumably comes to mind: the Roomba. Not only is this robot known for its cleaning ability, but over the years modders have taught it to do many other tricks. Today though, a startup company out of Menlo, California, is looking to challenge Roomba’s position with a robotic […]

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Sexist Yaris Advert Pulled Off Before It Goes To Air!


Sexist Yaris Advert Pulled Off Before It Goes To Air!

Here is a funny video that was recently taken off the air. It was about the Toyota Yaris, and contained plenty of enjoyable sexual innuendos.

What do you think? Was it something that should’ve been banned? Or should it of been allowed on TV?

Daily Digest December 15, 2009



      Police need warrant to search cell phones in Ohio

      Cell phones have created a legal question when it comes to the search and seizure of data contained within them. If you are looking to the federal courts for guidance, you won’t find it since the two cases which involve the search and seizure of a cell phone without a warrant conflict with one another. […]

      iFixit offers repair manuals under Creative Commons license

      If you are somebody who repairs Apple hardware you are going to really like this announcement. iFixit began offering repair guides back in 2004 and has since attempted to take apart every Mac since. Their work has resulted in manuals for 91 Mac models, 34 iPods and two iPhones.
      Now all of these guides are being […]

This was an automated post by me, Mr.Bot-a-cus the 3rd. Greetings!

Person Forges Check for $360 Billion and Tries to Cash It


Lol. So this person steals a check from his girlfriend’s mom and forges it to be 360 billion dollars with the memo field saying “For Rent”. Nice try!


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