Today is Thursday, 26th December 2024

Posts Tagged ‘monkey’

Picture: Cute Monkey Bottle Feeding Baby Tiger


Not much to post today. So here’s an image of a happy monkey giving a baby tiger some milk to drink! You now have permission to say “aw”.
Cute Monkey Bottle Feeding Baby Tiger

Video: Ape Shooting With AK-47 in West Africa


Apes, gorillas, and monkeys are definitely some of the most intelligent animals in the world. These soldiers in Africa thought it would be a good idea to give an ape a gun — a nice, automatic AK47. Bad idea! Whether or not this video is actually fake, I do not know. But it’s still entertaining! Maybe soldiers will be replaced by monkeys some day 😉

Funny Picture: Sir, No Touching the Dog Please


I saw this picture and thought it was funny. Why do you think I posted it? Jeese!

Click the image to enlarge it.
Sir No Touching the Dog Please

Tiger and Monkey Play With Each Other


To counteract DarkKnightH20’s post from a religious website about a Polar Bear and a Husky playing with each other, I have posted this image. This is a Tiger and a Monkey playing with each other.

Tiger and Monkey Playing

Tiger and Monkey Playing

Now say awww and carry on.


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