Today is Tuesday, 21st January 2025

Posts Tagged ‘game’

Dead Rising 2 Crashes + Black Screen Fix, Sound Fix, Save Fix, Controller Not Detecting


Since people were so interested in the previous Dead Rising 2 Post I decided to put out another one.  Click here to find out how to fix Dead Rising 2 Crashes, the Dead Rising 2 Black / Blank Screen, Dead Rising 2 Not Launching, Dead Rising 2 not Saving, and Dead Rising 2 Not Detecting the Controller

*Whew* That was a lot of fixes. =)

Have the MSVCR100.dll error?

You can look at the post Dead Rising 2 Fix “msvcr100.dll is missing from your computer” here.

Grow Valley


Of the few actual Japanese flash games I’ve been able to find, they are simple in graphics but the gameplay is usually superb. Here’s a simple game where you get to choose which field of people you employ to an empty plot of land, and the order affects what each will do to create a community. To beat the game, each field of people will achieve a Max level of 10. Give it a try.

Grow Valley
Created by a team/person named RECRUIT

Borderlands DLC 4 – Claptrap’s New Robot Revolution


Are you a fan of the game Borderlands? Beat the DLCs? Well, DLC 4 is not that far away. It’ll set you back $10 for the Playstation and PC versions, and 800 Microsoft Points for the XBox 360 gaming system.

The Premise of the Game Addon
Basically, you are against the Hyperion Corporation this time. Information was leaked about DLC4 from the recent 1.3.1 game patch. The introduction of DLC 4 can be read here (note that it IS subject to change before release)–


Marcus: Our story began when the Hyperion Corporation decided they’d had enough of the treasure hunters. With The Vault on lockdown, they had served their purpose, and now they were a drain on the economy. Why pay full price for weapons when you can take a five-finger discount off the nearest corpse?

Tekken X Street Fighter


They’ve finally put all these legendary characters from each game in one! There are two versions, Tekken X SF or SF X Tekken, each reflecting controls of the game first listed in each title. It’s just on the drawing board, so gonna have to wait for this one, but it’s promising.

Steam – Alien Swarm


I’m back! For this post at least.

Anyway, Valve released a game called Alien Swarm for free, along with its source code, available for download off Steam.
Here’s a trailer, it looks like Borderlands gameplay, but with an alien twist. Sounds good to me!

Download it here:


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