Today is Tuesday, 21st January 2025

Posts Tagged ‘Escape the Bathroom 3D’

Escape the Bathroom RELOADED


GeekMontage has successfully launched its second game, Escape the Bathroom Reloaded. You can find more information about Escape the Bathroom Reloaded here. This is an extension of the first game, Escape the Bathroom 3D but has been redone and expanded to include new graphics, puzzles and items.

<Escape the Bathroom Reloaded

We hope that you enjoy our game!

Once again, you can find more information about Escape the Bathroom Reloaded here.

Game: Escape the Bathroom 3D


Hi Everyone! Foose and I worked hard on this game. It is called Escape the Bathroom.
Actually we have had it done for a long time but we never displayed it on our site. So hear it is. Enjoy.

Click here to play the full-size version of Escape the Bathroom.

Thanks to DarkKnightH20 for his help. And a big thanks to Foose. Without Foose this game wouldn’t have happened, as he did almost all the work. Also thanks to the rest of the GM staff for debugging.

This is our first game so bare with us here… Escape the Store promises to have many more items, better navigation, in-game puzzles and more.



You are playing an old version of “Escape the Bathroom 3D“. Please use the version below and update your copy! =) This version contains sounds.

Escape the Store 3D Update


Good news!  After many distractions *COUGH*  (Rise of nations) I finally finished texturing and creating all the objects, so the final rendering is under way, along with the final programming.  If you have any suggestions, please comment them as soon as you can.  Naota, get ready to make it pretty in about, a week or two.

Escape the Bathroom 3D Released + Forum Open!


Escape the Bathroom 3D has now been released! It doesn’t have the best of ratings as of right now and people aren’t really giving us suggestions…but we’re happy as long as they’re playing it! Feel free to ask for help through comments or on the forum if you’re stuck. You can also leave suggestions/bugs in these places as well. A walkthrough is available Here. Also, happy Columbus Day!


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