Today is Monday, 6th January 2025

Posts Tagged ‘apple’

Free Apple iPod Touch / iPhone App: Top 100s by Year


This cool app, which uses Microsoft’s Bing, allows you to not only see what the top 100 songs were each year (from 1947 to 2009), but also listen to them! That’s right, you can stream each song. How are these lists made? “These lists are not solely based on the Billboard charts and record sales, instead, these are lists of songs that have stood the test of time based on their initial and lasting popularity, and on their impact on the overall scope of musical history.” Neat! “The songs are streamed in shuffle mode like a web radio station through 3G, Edge or Wi-fi”.

Get It At the Apple Store FREE

World of Warcraft (WoW) Streamed to iPad


Technology is getting even cooler all the time. Check out the photo below of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King being streamed to the Apple iPad via a Gaikai server on regular Wifi. What is Gaikai? They’re into cloud computing! Anyway, streaming World of Warcraft is something I could see Foose wanting to do 😉 Cool stuff. Click the picture below to make it bigger!

World of Warcraft (WoW) Streaming on iPad

Source: DPerry

Why time stands still at 9:42 in iPod ads


Buzzblog just recently released an interesting article about the time displayed in iPhone Ads. I never really noticed it, but surely they were right. When checking the iPad, the time displayed on its ad was 9:41, a minute sooner. After they contacted the PR department at Apple, the employee was unable to find an exact reason. However much later, Apple employee John Manning, a lead developer in Apple’s secret lab noticed this as well and identified the difference in time on the iPad.

So what did John Manning do?
He first pointed out that the ads for the iPad are actually displaying 9:41. Afterwards he decided to go talk to the guy who was actually in the ads with the device, Scott Forstall, the senior vice president of the software for the iPhone. And well… he responded alright.

The Most Expensive iPad Stand Ever


Just to complete our iPad theme that the other editors apparently have got going on here… I saw this online and it made me chuckle. It is an image displaying the “Most Expensive iPad Stand Ever”. And I have to say… this really is. lol.

Blending an Apple Ipad


This is my answer to your windows95 ipad! lol

For more blendtec madness,


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