Home / Free Vindictus Beta Keys *Updated*Free Vindictus Beta Keys *Updated*
Last Updated on Saturday, 2 October 2010 12:12 Written by Naota Saturday, 25 September 2010 10:00

We will be giving out free beta keys for the new game Vindictus. If you would like one stay tuned on this page and leave us a comment! Vindictus is an intense new online RPG that can promise you many hours of fun gameplay. Beta keys are limited so make sure to check back fast. These Vindictus beta keys will unlock users additional Vindictus beta keys so you can invite your friends. You can download Vindictus here.
Keys Times listed are Eastern Time US & Canada:
624C44C89BF742DDACA1 Posted 10:22PM 9/25/10 USED
3DD59BC158DE41028E1E Posted 10:28PM 9/25/10 USED
BA40746DD0F74DB0B078 Posted 10:48PM 9/25/10 USED
A7E5D19A47974673A7D5 Posted 12:24PM 9/26/10 USED Thanks Enki
1A54248517C545498ACC Posted 1:46PM 9/26/10 USED Thanks guenthar
E0F3240E96BF476DB1BD Posted 1:46PM 9/26/10 USED Thanks guenthar
7C377283E7E447CB8F34 Posted 3:38AM 9/28/10 USED
D6AAB4A3302642528566 Posted 3:44AM 9/28/10 USED Thanks Simbol
B28FA91E6D7243119875 Posted 12:12AM 10/2/10 Thanks Andrew
Please let me know when you have used a key. Also please be kind and post the new keys generated... or at least one.
I will update this list as time goes on in the next few days… according demand. This will work a lot better if users post their extra keys so that I can add them to the list.
I would like a Vindictus beta key my email is
Sorry mistyped the email is actaully
Hello. I will repost a beta key for a beta key.Start the chain.
I have put a key up. I hope whoever gets it will continue the chain. I will put more up just in case.
I would like one :X
I would like a beta key please 😀
I would like a Beta key. Do I need to email you or anything?
Okay everyone. I will put up 3 keys later today. Be sure to check back soon.
Also be careful about writing your email out!
Can someone please send me a key? I will really do anything for a key, I am that desperate, and yes, I mean ANYTHING. *Wink* E-mail me please at
Will the keys be on the main page or in the comments here Naota?
They will be on the page and in the comments if users who take the keys are kind enough to give the two new ones they create. I have put one up now and will be putting more up.
I got a few keys, and I will contribute one as well, and more IF people will give one back in comments here.
Naota, you should start playing too, didn’t give you a key so you could stay lvl 1 😉
I used your key Enki and here are the keys I got.
Hey would someone by any chance be able to give me a beta key? I’ll post the ones generated
pls send me a key to il be for ever greatfull
all they keys in post ar used
Please give me a vindictus beta key my email is thanks!
here is one key the other is for my brother tnx a lot
No problem! Enjoy the game. =)
PLZ IF ANY HAVE eXTRA KEY SEND TO thank u very much
if any have extra plz send to thanx very much will post the extras i get
If there are any spare keys, I would appreciate having one. Email is and I will post up or send out my spares.
anyone has a key remaining?
I’ll share the other 2.
Appreciate everyone’s enthusiasm, however people who used our keys did not return anything, and presently I personally am out of keys. Please share if you have used one of the keys from this post, thank you.
Anyone willing to spare a key? send it to im willing to send one back to the person who sends me one, and one back to this site!
If anyone has one i would like one plz and thank you i will send u both the keys i will get if u do my email is once again if u do plz and thank you
can i hav a key too?? email is thank u
please send me a key,
Could someone provide me with a beta key please,Id be willing too continue the chain… if theirs anything I can do too repay you, such as giving you a game…and yes im serious,I could give you the resident evil 5 file and is all you need is a crack! Or Borderlands…Please,anything thats somewhat reasonable
Oh sorry forgot too say, email me at, thank you so much in advance!!!
Email me at ; )
I have one key left… but I am going to sit on it for a little longer. People who took the keys before you all were greedy and only two of them actually gave keys back.
Can someone give me a beta key?I will give back 2 keys and let the chain continue.If you guys are kind enough to give me, here is my email ,