Today is Tuesday, 14th May 2024

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BioWare Reveals Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer Co-op Details


People have been salivating over Mass Effect 3 for months now ever since the trailer came out for the game.

Then BioWare dropped a bombshell; the game would include multiplayer. Some celebrated it. For many, though, it set off alarm bells. BioWare is a company known for developing and delivering polished single player experiences; what were they going to gain tacking on an afterthought deathmatch mode?

New Transistor Type for Man-Machine Interfacing? Cybernetic AUGMENTATIONS!?


News out of the University of Washington today: scientists have created a new type of transistor that works off of, instead of electrons like all electronics do today, protons, the positively charged particles in the centers of atoms that don’t normally get places apart from neutrons or outside of electron orbits. Working inside the human body, the electro-chemical processes that power communication between our brains and our limbs is a mix of both electrons and protons, negative and positive charges flying about respectively. With this development, it may be possible to create systems that can fully communicate between flesh stump and advanced cybernetic limb.

It’ll probably look something like this (skip to 1:00 for the start of the groovy carnage):

Odds are you’ll be getting the fruits of this research project from this site down the road.

Review: Dead Island


Title: Dead Island

Genre: Horror, Co-op FPS/RPG

Release Date: 9/6/2011

Systems: PC, Xbox 360, PS3

Format: DVD, Blu-ray, Digital Distro


Looking at Dead Island, it’s hard not to recall Valve’s own 4 player co-op zombie slaughter Left 4 Dead. Both feature hordes of zombies, special infected, and four immune survivors who also happen to be quite adept at combating the walking dead. At that though, the similarities end. Developer Techland manages a clean separation from L4D once players get into it, and the distinctions only become more clear as the game progresses.

New Game+: Blue Planet: War in Heaven


If you’re in the performing arts community or are aspiring towards that particular arena, firstly, I’m sorry. The economy sucks.

You need not despair entirely though, because while there might be a dearth of paying projects out there, there are still plenty of opportunities for resume-building, particularly in the vein of community-built projects. Today, I’m highlighting the Blue Planet campaign for the FreeSpace 2 Source Code Project. You may or may not have played this campaign (the War in Heaven portion, Age of Aquarius is already fully voiced, sorry) in the shiny FreeSpace 2 SCP, and if you haven’t, two videos follow for what you’re missing:

Under the Knife Fans, Take Note


Recognizing that sewing wounds shut at the millimeter level no longer made sense, researchers at Stanford University’s Medical School developed a bio-safe adhesive gel that binds the wounded area together, promoting tissue regrowth in the area and then harmlessly dissolving away when no longer needed. People familiar with the Trauma Center series will remember that there is an eerily similar implement that disinfects areas while also healing up small lacerations and acting as a binding gel for skin grafts and minor damage to blood vessels, among other uses.

Original article at Stanford University Medical School


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