Today is Thursday, 13th March 2025

Archive for June, 2012

How to Fix: No Sound Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne / Reign of Chaos


Still playing Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne (WC3 TFT)? I know many of us here at Geek Montage still do! It’s a great game by Blizzard.

You may encounter an annoying error after recently installing Warcraft III on Microsoft Windows 8 Consumer Preview or Developer Preview. I encountered it on 64-bit Windows 8 CP.

That error is Warcraft 3 Has No Sound. Where did it go? It isn’t an issue with your sound card, audio drivers, or anything like that. Why is it missing? BattleNet — that’s why!

This is easily solved though be installing the client Garena.


1) Install Garena
2) Register for Garena
3) Launch Garena & Login
4) Go to LAN Games and join a Warcraft 3 TFT Channel
5) Launch the game

This will enable the audio and music for the game. Easy solution to this problem, huh?

Hopefully this was able to help you troubleshoot your problem.

Aerosol toothpaste can fix


Getting tired of paying so much for toothpaste and only using 1/4th of it before running out of aerosol? DIY fix right here!

Funny Music Video: Barack Obama Singing Call Me Maybe


Nicely put together. Not the full song by Carly Rae Jepsen, but enough to be funny 🙂

Banana Phone


Not our typical genre for song of the week, but it’s nice and catchy!


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