Today is Wednesday, 8th January 2025

Archive for August, 2010

China Sets Human Dominos Record with 10,267 Students


August 12th, a group of 10,267 succeed at breaking the new record for human dominos. The entire event involved 10,267 students. Everything was planned out with perfect precision, including the what colors each person should wear.

Human Dominos

The human dominos event in action.

The entire event took just under two hours to complete. All I have to say is wow! This must have taken a lot of patience.

I hope people brought a snack with them for when they were waiting.

Funny Picture: Best Missing Bike Poster EVER


This picture made me laugh! Someone made a “Missing Bike” advertisement that was pretty lol’able. Too bad about the “No Reward” though.

Click the picture to enlarge it.
Funny Picture: Missing Bike

Free $10 Video On Demand Credit


Sponsored: is currently offering a $10 Video On Demand credit for TV shows to those who enter promo code TVEMAILS. Simply go to This Page and click the “Redeem a gift card or promotion code”, then enter the code. You’ll be able to use that credit to watch any of the following TV shows on this page. Enjoy.

Dear Ryan – Makeup Guru


Here is a funny video making fun of Michelle Phan‘s makeup tips.

I found it to be pretty entertaining. Some of the jokes were creative.

Top 10 Beer Commercials: Commercial #10 (Bud Light, Magic Fridge)


Over the course of ten days I have been posting different beer commercials for a feature I called “Top 10 Beer Commercials”. It ends today. Sad? Good. Anyway, we have yet another Bud Light advertisement. This one is pretty funny and is called “The Magic Fridge”. I lol’ed.


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