Today is Saturday, 21st December 2024

Archive for July, 2010

Funny Video: Oishi Green Tea Commercial


Just saw this video and lol’ed a bit. Ever wonder what ladies secretly do when they’re in the bathroom? Watch this video to find out!

We have updated the video so it works again.

Whoopi Goldberg Kills Her iPhone 4


Just to stay in the same theme as my post yesterday, here is Whoopi Goldberg talking about her experience with the iPhone 4 after “upgrading” from the iPhone 3g.

Wet Circuit’s water-resistant power strip


Interesting power strip that is completely waterproof! Videos helped demostrate just how well it works. Though if soaked for long periods of time, the power strip will get wet.

To watch test videos,

What China Thinks about Steve Jobs and the iPhone 4


Here is a funny video that I found online. It is in Chinese but has English subtitles if you turn them on.

Steam – Alien Swarm


I’m back! For this post at least.

Anyway, Valve released a game called Alien Swarm for free, along with its source code, available for download off Steam.
Here’s a trailer, it looks like Borderlands gameplay, but with an alien twist. Sounds good to me!

Download it here:


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