Today is Wednesday, 12th February 2025

Install Preware on HP Touchpad

Interested in an Android HP TouchPad Hack? Hear the current news and updates for it here.
Wanna overclock and speed up your HP TouchPad? Go here.

…………**.. Important Note:. Make sure to update TouchPad with OTA webOS 3.0.2

[ If you have already intentionally or in error setup the TouchPad’s “Developer Mode” password and are having install issues. On PC, with TouchPad not connected, do a Windows uninstall of “Novacomd” AND reboot the PC. Next on TouchPad in “Settings” \ “Device Info” \ “Reset Options” Click on “FULL ERASE” bar to kill the password setup on “Developer Mode” then continue to step 1. ]

1. On your Computer, with TouchPad not connected, be sure to Download the latest version of Jar file “WebOSQuickInstall v4.2.3.jar” [Download from here] to a new folder.
Note: The installation of WebOS Quick Install is possible without having any connection to the TouchPad. This is my preferred method so that install issues can be more easily isolated and diagnosed individually on either the PC or TouchPad.
2. Continue on the PC and find the folder you Downloaded Jar file “WebOSQuickInstall v4.2.3.jar” into. Install it now by double-clicking on that “WebOSQuickInstall v4.2.3.jar” file.
If Novacomd file/driver is not yet installed you will get a message that the driver will now be “auto” installed.
After install has successfully completed you should get an error message box showing that no device is connected to webOS. Just leave message box up on the screen.
3. On the unattached TouchPad enable the Developer Mode to install your third-party software:
Using “Just type…” type out: webos20090606 – OR – upupdowndownleftrightleftrightbastart
Next Click on the Developer Mode Enabler icon that appears. The very 1st time you do this Click the “OFF” button to “ON” (w/blue button showing) if it requests a password Leave it Blank and just Click “Submit” bar. After that 1st time it will just put your TouchPad in Developer Mode to “ON” – Do not Click on the Set/Change Password bar.
4. Now using the included HP TouchPad USB cable connect Your TouchPad to the PC’s USB port.
Next the question box appears on the TouchPad “USB Drive” or “Cancel” – Important – Just ignore it and leave it up on the screen. [This will be the same as putting TouchPad in “Just Charge” mode.]
5. On the PC click “OK” in message box you previousy left up on the screen and WebOS Quick Install should now very quickly recognize the TouchPad. You now have full access to webOS homebrew feeds.
Now Click on the “Globe” icon located below plus / minus on the right side.
WebOS Quick Install searches the default homebrew feeds.
After all feeds finish loading you will be offered several tabs (applications, services, plugins, patches, kernel, themes …)
Just stay in the “Applications” Tab and type in the search field “Preware”. Now Click on “Install” and it will go into the install processing mode.
After “Preware” is installed, if you do not want to install other things, you can now close the WebOS Quick Install and disconnect the TouchPad USB cable from the PC.
You should now see the “Preware” app on your TouchPad in the “Downloads” section ready for your use.

You now have WebOS Quick Install (WOSQI) on the PC and the Preware app on the TouchPad with access to homebrew AND most comprehensive collection of third-party software.

In providing these simple step by step instructions primarily for those new users of the TouchPad, webOS, Homebrew… my goal is that the number of users will greatly increase for all of the above which in turn stimulates creation of more apps, tweaks, and OTA for the TouchPad in our future…

…….. For additional TouchPad “Getting Started” Tips, Hints, and Tweaks.. –
[Click Here >.. “The “How do I…?” thread”
[Click Here >.. “New Touchpad? Here’s your “Get Started” guide”
[Click Here >.. “So, you just bought an HP TouchPad? Here’s what you need next…”

You can find the original forum post here, as well as additional information.


  1. Comments  Add Android OS to HP TouchPad Android Hack | Geek Montage   |  Monday, 22 August 2011 at 5:00 PM

    […] to overclock your HP TouchPad and speed it up? Check out here for details. Want to install PreWare on your HP TouchPad? Go […]

  2. Comments  Prakash   |  Monday, 29 August 2011 at 4:02 PM

    Am not able to isntall preware using webos quick isntall. Keep getting this msg: “Error: Unable to download org.webosinternals.preware_1.7.5_arm.ipk”. Can someone help pls?

  3. Comments  JIM   |  Thursday, 01 September 2011 at 3:07 PM

    Can this be done attached to a Linux machine, don’t have a Windows machine right now.

  4. Comments  Hazem   |  Wednesday, 21 December 2011 at 1:12 AM

    I followed the above steps running WebOSQuickInstall 4.3.1 on Fedora core 14. WebOSQuickInstall does not recognize that TP is connected. I tried w/Cancel and in USB drive mode, knowing that it will fail and proved it true. Any suggestions?

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