Today is Tuesday, 22nd October 2024

Free MMO Games

Author: DarkKnightH20

There are loads of good, free online games out there. The problem is finding out which ones ARE good and which are bad. This is an ongoing list compiled of GeekMontage-approved MMO’s. Some are RPG’s, whereas some are not. Check out the website of each game listed for good screenshots/possible videos.

Guns Online – An awesome over-the-shoulder shooter MMO. You can also use swords, daggers, and other weaponry. A unique feature about this game is that you can run on walls, which can be very useful. Also make note that this game has RPG elements — you level up, you buy armor and weapons, and you do quests. This game has been around for ages and still lives today. If you have never played it before, then you should at least try it.

FEAR – Reknown for being a “scary” first person shooter game, it has also has awesome multiplayer action. What’s even MORE awesome about it, is that FEAR multiplayer is 100% free of charge. Using a download manger for resume/pause capabilities, download the multiplayer game here. Obtain a real CD key here (be sure to use a real email, as that is how they send you the key). Download the 1.07 to 1.08 patch here. Capture the flag is my favorite. I’m generally on EAU or MSS (which is going to disappear soon). Custom maps are available and will be downloaded from the servers that use them.

Rakion – Though I have not played this one before, SirSunkist highly recommends it. You strike enemies down with swords, as well as develop strategies to combat others. It is a RPG, having a level-up system, skills, equipment, and more.

Priston Tale – By far my favorite MMORPG in existence, this game has been around for a long time. It is simplistic in its nature and unfortunately has been neglected by its owners. Though the link provided will go to their website, if you click on “English” you will notice that the website is actually down. The private server community allows this game to still flourish without the assistance of real updates from the PT staff. There are many maps, while each not being too huge like some MMORPGS. You can easily teleport to many places, or use something called “cores” as well, which helps prevent long constant walks. There aren’t too many quests, but that’s a good thing…Unlike World of Warcraft, where there’s a quest every 2 feet and it’s likely to be something stupid…like ‘deliver this ham sandwich to a destination that is 5000 minutes away before the time expires’. This game is NOT like Priston Tale 2…Fortunately!

Check out for loads of other games. Our list will grow here as well, but only as we encounter more games worth mentioning.

Updated August 24th, 2009

Regnum — This game was suggested by Bobsobol. There’s something about it, however, that makes it unique. his game supports Linux which is not as common as it should be in the field of gaming. Give it a try, especially if you are on Linux. The hardware requirements are also low so even those with old computers can play.


  1. Comments  Geek Montage » Free MMO Games   |  Saturday, 22 August 2009 at 6:42 PM

    […] of boredom, I have compiled a list of Free MMO Games that many of you may be interested in. The list will grow as the staff recognizes more free online […]

  2. Comments  bobsobol   |  Sunday, 23 August 2009 at 5:04 AM

    [url=]Runescape[/url] v.Popular
    [url-]Habbo[/url] v.Popular
    [url=]Regnum[/url] Because they support Linux players ^_^.
    [url=]Rappelz[/url]… Well, I enjoyed it. :\

  3. Comments  DarkKnightH20   |  Monday, 24 August 2009 at 2:15 AM

    Hey Bobsobol 🙂 Runescape was on my original list, but I just couldn’t keep it on there while keeping a good conscience. I hated the game too much unfortunately. I never tried Habbo before, but that certainly is very popular. Ragezone is proof of that =P Haven’t heard of Regnum, but definitely awesome that it supports Linux users. I’ll certainly update the article with that one. I haven’t played Rappelz either, but have heard of it. Priston Tale pretty much stole me from most MMORPGS 😡

  4. Comments  Geek Montage » Securing Your Computer – Text   |  Tuesday, 25 August 2009 at 6:24 PM

    […] another note, the article Free MMO Games has been updated. Regnum has been added to the list as suggested by […]

  5. Comments  Unzubaru   |  Saturday, 29 August 2009 at 7:14 AM

    Lol Dark, i felt th same man. I think i started playing PT when i was like 8 XD. Sucha fun game and so extraordinarely addictive! Wow! A game that supports Linux users? Maybe i shall play! a game that i loved was S4 League:
    others i can can think of hmmm.
    CounterStrike: Source: NOT FREE! BUT! uses a really flexible yet still incredible to this day graphics engine.

    Combat Arms:
    Fun, Shoot ’em up based with RPG elements!
    Requiem: Bloody Mare:
    Made for people who like ripping the shit outta zombies and crap not caring about blood dribbling down your face or washing brain from your hair with no point to it all and stunning graphics.

    Hopes these helped ^^!

  6. Comments  Unzubaru   |  Saturday, 29 August 2009 at 7:21 AM

    one more!

    Dragonica! 9/10. Brilliant game play where you can use a game controller, graphics are flexible and cute, yet, still maintaining action orientation and never letting you put down the controller.
    Unique Mission Maps give you a rank and 1,2 or 3 random weapons, armour or items.

    EU link:
    US Link:
    Asia or SEA link:

    hope this helped too!

  7. Comments  DarkKnightH20   |  Sunday, 30 August 2009 at 12:53 PM

    I’ve heard of Dragonica, but never played that one =P I was thinking about adding Sword of the New World / Granados Espada to the list — — but I never really liked it too much. The graphics were awesome and some of the music was too, but meh…

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