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Dead Space 2 Crashes, Won’t Save, Freezes, Wont Start, Glitches, Errors

Dead Space 2 promises to be just as good of a sequel to the Sci-fi Horror Game Dead Space. Although the game uses basically the same coding base, there are plenty of errors in Dead Space 2 that have presented themselves. Let’s hope we can solve those problems for you today.

Last Updated: February 2nd, 2011
— Created Page and Added Information To Be Updated


Dead Space 2 Crashes on Cutscenes

There is nothing more stressful then having a game crash at a cut scene. Here is a couple suggestions.

Step 1. Update your video card drivers. To find the latest ones, click here to find the latest Nvidia and AMD video card drivers by clicking on their respective names here.
Step 2 If you have it, remove or disable x360App. This does not play well with Dead Space 2. You can try looking at the joystick.txt file that comes with the game for more information.

Dead Space 2 Eye Infinity Blurs and Does Not Display Correctly

There is nothing like playing a game like Dead Space or Dead Space 2 with multiple monitors. Sadly enough there is an issue with it working on Dead Space 2. Dead Space 1 however works flawlessly. This issue is still being worked out by EA and AMD/ATI. You can try downloading the latest videocard drivers from AMD here. Hopefully that will fix your problem… you lucky multiple monitor using #$%#. =)

Dead Space 2 Shows Black Screen/Blank Screen or Graphical Glitches

There can be several issues here. Let’s rule out the simple ones first.
Step 1. Update your video card drivers. To find the latest ones, click here to find the latest Nvidia and AMD video card drivers by clicking on their respective names here.
Step 2. Check your computer temperatures. There is a chance that your computer video card could be running at too high of a temperature. This can be common since many videocards use “automatic” fan settings which do not always suffice.

Unable to connect to the EA servers. Please try again Error Message

You may need to disable ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification). You can do by doing the following:
Step 1. Press Windows+R or go to Start -> Run.
Step 2. Type “cmd” and press enter
Step 3. Type the following and press enter.

netsh int tcp set global ecncapability=disabled

This should hopefully remedy the error for you.

Dead Space 2 Save Stations Stopped Working and escape key will not work

This is a HUGE problem that many people have reported. It is currently being worked out via a patch that will come out. Turning off V-Sync does not solve this problem either.

The only confirmed fixed is to crash your game via control+alt+delete, and then re-open at your last save state. After that confirm that your escape key works and the save station. If it does the bug has been fixed for now. I know this solution sucks but when we get a better one we will be sure to let you know.

Could not initialize display hardware. Please restart Dead Space 2

Step 0. Update your game.
Step 1. Update your video card drivers. To find the latest ones, click here to find the latest Nvidia and AMD video card drivers by clicking on their respective names here.
Step 2. Right click your Dead Space 2 exe and go to properties -> compatibility -> “disable visual themes”. If you have the option also go ahead and check the box to disable “desktop composition” Hit ok. If this works go ahead and continue playing.
Step 2b If you have dual monitors, try disabling that and seeing if it fixes it.
Step 2c Disable Dual GPU Hardware Acceleration and test again.
Step 3a Move settings.txt out of the folder. You can find it here.

C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\EA Games\Dead Space 2\settings.txt

Step 3b You can try changing your txt file settings. Here is an example from steam powered on a setting that worked.

Audio.AltNameColor = false
Audio.MusicVol = 1.00000000
Audio.Output = 0
Audio.SFXVol = 0.98000002
Audio.Subtitles = true
Audio.VoiceVol = 1.00000000
Control.AimAssistEnabled = true
Control.AimingPosition = 1
Control.ControllerSensitivity = 2
Control.FireButtonControls = true
Control.InvertX = false
Control.InvertY = false
Control.MouseSensitivity = 0.50000000
Control.Shock = true
Controls.AcL.X = 0x01040360
Controls.AcL.Y = 0x00030008
Game.PDiff = -1
Game.Played = 0
Misc.LastSaveSlot = 2
QualityOptions.ActorMotionBlur = true
QualityOptions.Bloom = true
QualityOptions.Blur = true
QualityOptions.ConfigType = 1
QualityOptions.Decals = true
QualityOptions.Distortion = true
QualityOptions.DoF = true
QualityOptions.EdgeAA = true
QualityOptions.Flare = true
QualityOptions.Glow = true
QualityOptions.HighLightQuality = true
QualityOptions.ManipColor = true
QualityOptions.ShaderQuality = 2
QualityOptions.Shadows = 2
Window.Fullscreen = true
Window.Gamma = 0.50000000
Window.Height = 900
Window.Hz = 60
Window.Left = 0
Window.MessageNotification = 1
Window.State = 0
Window.Top = 0
Window.VSync = true
Window.Width = 1440

Dead Space 2 Will Not Launch

Step 1. Update your video card drivers. To find the latest ones, click here to find the latest Nvidia and AMD video card drivers by clicking on their respective names here.
Step 2. Run a ramtest to verify that your RAM is good. Although many games can work with faulty ram, others cannot.
Step 3. Right click your Dead Space 2 exe and go to properties -> compatibility -> “disable visual themes”. If you have the option also go ahead and check the box to disable “desktop composition” Hit ok.
Step 4. Navigate to the game folder and right click the exe and choose “run as administrator”.

Dead Space 2 Chapter 7 Crashes

Step 1. Load Steam up.
Step 2. Choose to delete all local content for Deadspace 2.
Step 3. Try again. (Idea from Techarena)


  1. Comments  Dead Space 2 Crashes, and Error Game Fixes | Geek Montage   |  Wednesday, 02 February 2011 at 4:45 PM

    […] Dead Space 2 is an amazing sequel to its predecessor Dead Space 1. It unfortunately has some serious errors including one that prevents users from saving their game. You can read our game guide on how fix Dead Space 2 Crashes, Errors, and Glitches […]

  2. Comments  Game Fixes: Dead Space 2 — Game Won’t Save, Freezes, Crashes, Sound, Errors, etc. –   |  Friday, 04 February 2011 at 1:54 AM

    […] common Dead Space 2 game errors […]

  3. Comments  Anonymous   |  Saturday, 05 February 2011 at 1:43 AM

    When I’m in Chapter 6 or 5, can’t quite remember which (You maneuver through the unitology indoctrination center and have to crawl through a hatch/vent). Everytime I enter the vent, both ends of it lock. As in, literally; I cannot exit from either end of the hatch. Anyone?

  4. Comments  aa   |  Sunday, 13 February 2011 at 7:06 AM

    i have the same problem can anyone help ??

  5. Comments  bb   |  Tuesday, 15 February 2011 at 8:35 PM

    have you tried hitting “e”

  6. Comments  someguy   |  Tuesday, 01 March 2011 at 6:59 AM

    i have a problem when im done with chapter 5 and is in the first room of chapter 6 the door im supposed to open wont open and then my game crashes

  7. Comments  Anonymous   |  Friday, 01 April 2011 at 2:33 AM

    I’ve tried doing hardcore a few times, if i dont save it before chapter 5 it freezes mid hallucination in that room where the stone marker statue is just before you meet that unitoligy chick and its really pissin me off 🙁

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