Today is Friday, 28th February 2025

Posts Tagged ‘Pokemon’

Funny Video: American Idol – Jigglypuff Song


Want to know the best way to pass the American Idol auditions? Sing the Jigglypuff song from Pokemon!

Pokemon Battle – Metapod Slaughters Several Level 100 Pokemon


In every Pokemon game, Metapod is one of the weakest characters in existence. Essentially it is a mouthless cocoon with the skill “harden”. It can learn some other skills though. Watch this video as someone defeats many level 100 Pokemon through multiplayer WiFi using a Metapod! It takes a lot of dedication and time to get it to happen, but when it does…it is glorious 😉

The Real Ash Ketchum


Here is the REAL Ash Ketchum. Kinda looks like a mini Kim Jong-il doesn’t he?
Ash Ketchum Pokemon

Click to see it in its full entirety.

That is all.

Facebook Updates from Pokemon and FF7


So Enki just showed me the website Dorkly a few days ago. I saw a couple things that I thought were pretty funny there… one of which being facebook updates from game characters.

Here is just some of the ones… Click the enlarge.

Most of them are long so click in to see more.

Pokemon Real Life Trailer


This trailer of Pokémon Apokélypse was made by fans and is not real. But you can tell a lot of time has been put into it. The acting and graphics could be better but it is still interesting.

This is a real life, dark version of Pokemon. It reminds me of the Mortal Kombat Rebirth trailer made by fans.


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