Posts Tagged ‘Mad Moxxi’
Review: Borderlands: Mad Moxxi’s Underdome Riot
Last Updated on Sunday, 14 February 2010 01:23 Written by Foose Saturday, 13 February 2010 05:00

I installed the DLC for borderlands: Mad Moxxi and I played the first few rounds. It’s not all that bad so far. All enemies are so far lvl 48 (They’ll prolly be stronger if more people play) and between each wave, there are massive ammo and health drops. Inbetween rounds, you get weapon drops. Now, each wave / round is different, because that winch mods the arena. For example, she reduces gravity, or sends in all midgets/psychos, or all badasses/bad muthas, or she goes further… like making certain weapons do more damage, and others reduced damage, or she increases the recharge rate on enemies shields, or the health of enemies. The music is pretty cool too, and I did find some good drops, although they are quite rare.
So that’s the preview, I’ll let the rest be discovered by the rest of you gamers. Don’t be surprised if that winch pulls crazier shinanigans….
UPDATE: This is a cruel version. No matter what Playthrough I am in, it’s the same. They get more health, shields and damage steadily. Also those mod factors stack upon each other… I don’t think even Brick can hold up very long, especially with the mod combo: “Enemies have better weapons” and “Enemy’s take more damage” on a Badass Round……
Running specs: Borderlands 1.21, Lvl 48 Hunter (Sniper)
Asus P5B Deluxe, Pentium D OC to 3.3Ghtz, 3GB Corsair RAM, Radeon X1800, 78GB Raptor HD, 200GB Barracuda, 780 GB Barracuda, 150 GB HP External Drive, Antec Tower Cooling Case