Today is Tuesday, 7th January 2025

Posts Tagged ‘funny videos’

Demi Lovato gets owned by an X Factor candidate


This is a little old but it is still pretty entertaining.

Sega Genesis + Shock collar


These geniuses went ahead and hacked their Sega Genesis so that it would work with a shock collar as well. The shock collar is activated when the players receive damage or get killed in the game. And… well, you’ll see.

This has got to be the most genius thing ever, and stupidest.

Funny Music Video: Barack Obama Singing Call Me Maybe


Nicely put together. Not the full song by Carly Rae Jepsen, but enough to be funny 🙂

Space Cats


Photoshop is used for everything these days. Nasa even uses photo enhancement tools for their imagry, this is to enhance colors, decrease dust, remove space cats, change brightness, and so forth… Wait, what?

I know its a little old at this point, but enjoy.

Funny Video: Epic Baseball Catch


Guy catches a baseball in his cup of beer, then chugs it.


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