Today is Friday, 14th March 2025

Posts Tagged ‘DIY’

DIY Net Gun


Ever randomly think to yourself one day “Hey…I want a gun that shoots out nets so that I can capture either people, animals, aliens, or monsters”? No? Oh…Okay. Well, pretending you said yes…you can view a DIY on making a net gun here.
There’s not many practical reasons to make one, other than it’d be fun to use! Check out this video of it in action:

DIY Multitouch Music Controller


I found this to be pretty cool. Someone made a large, multitouch music controller. More information can be read about it Here. I want one!

DIY Simple Homopolar Motor


Neato and simple. You may very well have this stuff sitting around at your house if you’re bored. Requires a magnet (rare earth = good), a battery, and copper wire.

Nintendo DS Lite With Solar Panels


I am very much considering doing this Nintendo DS Lite hack myself. In short, you wire solar panels to your DS (4 or so small, high quality panels) and then let your DS charge in front of a window that has sun light. No more wasting power by plugging your DS into the wall. Apparently this works pretty well too.

$250 DIY Bedazzler Induces Nausea via LEDs


BWAHAHAHAHAHA! That’s how I’ll begin this post. This doesn’t work as well as it sounds or people may imply, but if you’re bored you can go ahead and make one. I’ll be posting a video, as well as some pictures and so forth for those who are interested. Courtousy of Adafruit for the DIY.


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