Home / $250 DIY Bedazzler Induces Nausea via LEDs$250 DIY Bedazzler Induces Nausea via LEDs
Last Updated on Sunday, 29 November 2009 10:06 Written by DarkKnightH20 Tuesday, 29 September 2009 12:00

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! That’s how I’ll begin this post. This doesn’t work as well as it sounds or people may imply, but if you’re bored you can go ahead and make one. I’ll be posting a video, as well as some pictures and so forth for those who are interested. Courtousy of Adafruit for the DIY.
“Can pulsing 36 high-powered LEDs invoke sea-sickness? Adafruit have put together a $250 non-lethal weapon modeled after a 1 million dollar government project. The source code, schematic, and circuit board files are available. Included is a helpful video describing how she learned about these weapons and tests her own unit out on her boyfriend.

This setup is using 36 LEDs that are pulsing at 11Hz. The LEDs are a mix of blue and green for a “more effective result”, but red can be used as well. The PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) is being accomplished through a modern arduino. The PWM pins are wired up to high powered N-FETs (big transistors) in order to provide power to the LEDS based on the arduino pulses.

There are a few things that this project explains which can be useful in other projects.

I’m sure Foose is building this as I’m typing this up
Don’t Taze Me Bro!
Source: PopSci / Adafruit | Direct DIY Link: Here
If it “doesn’t work that well” I would just wear a pair of sunglasses to sufficiently mitigate the effect. This doesn’t hold a candle to how well the actual article works on humans.
Although this might be fun to use on the occasional trick or treater come 10/31.