Today is Tuesday, 21st January 2025

Posts Tagged ‘civilization v’

Civilization V Crashes, Black Screen, CTD, Anti Alias (AA), Freezes, 0x8000ffff, Wont Save Fixes


Hew… that was a mouthful. We have come up with a list of fixes for Civilization V. This includes the game crashing to the desktop (CTD), not letting users use Anti-Aliasing, Civilization V freezing, the 0x8000ffff error, the game not saving, and much more. If your game works, we tell you how to skip that annoying intro video so it still is worth a look! You can read our Civilization V Troubleshooting Guide here.

Civilization V Full Version Leaked with Stellar Reviews


Civilization V came out earlier this week and received stellar reviews. Although I purposely haven’t gotten the game yet since I know that I will be glued to it the moment I do. Game play has been simplified while leaving more advanced options for the experienced gamer.

Unsurprisingly the game has already been leaked and steam has already been cracked and downloaded on the Internet.

So do yourself a favor and go buy a copy of Civilization V today! You won’t regret it… unless you have an important assignment due tomorrow.

You can get the game on sale From All of the reviews there are by idiots though — so don’t worry about the rating that’s listed there. Check out the rating for the game at Gamespot instead, which is a 9.0/10. Very nice!


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