Home / Samsung Galaxy Attain 4G (SCH-R920) Specs, Features, ReviewSamsung Galaxy Attain 4G (SCH-R920) Specs, Features, Review
Last Updated on Thursday, 2 February 2012 09:44 Written by DarkKnightH20 Thursday, 2 February 2012 09:43

It is now out for MetroPCS! The Samsung Galaxy Attain 4G smartphone — a 4GLTE smartphone that uses Google Android 2.3 OS.
This touchscreen smartphone rocks! It’s fast and with expandable memory support (microSD), Bluetooth support, Wireless Internet support (WiFi), and more. It’s great for social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), watching videos, listening to music, and just as a general cellphone.
Check out our Samsung Galaxy Attain 4G Review for information on the phone, specifications, and pictures of the device!
Tags: Reviews, Samsung, Smartphones