Today is Friday, 26th July 2024

Picture: Cute Baby Hedgehog


Cute picture of the day: Baby hedgehog! It’s so small that it fits in a hand 🙂 Click the two thumb nails below this image to enlarge them.

Baby Hedgehog

Baby HedgehogBaby Hedgehog

Edit: Turns out this is a hedgehog NOT a porcupine! Whoops! That doesn’t change the level of cuteness though 🙂


  1. Comments  Dianna   |  Sunday, 14 November 2010 at 9:41 PM

    These are not porcupines… they are HEDGEHOGS… but really cute.

  2. Comments  DarkKnightH20   |  Monday, 15 November 2010 at 12:03 AM

    Thanks! The original place it came from said the animal was a porcupine, but I keep hearing differently so I’ll take your word for it!

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