Home / Geek Montage Back Online! + Dominos DealGeek Montage Back Online! + Dominos Deal
Last Updated on Sunday, 29 November 2009 09:42 Written by DarkKnightH20 Sunday, 18 October 2009 10:35

Hey guys,
We had run out of bandwidth earlier today, but we’re back online now! It felt weird not having the website up and running. I guess you guys are eating our bandwidth! To help sooth your hunger, I decided to post a deal from Dominos (only applicable for those living in the United States unfortunately). From October 19th to October 25th, Dominos is offering 1 large extra cheese pizza for $5.99. Any additional topping costs $1.50. This is only good for carry-out orders though so people wanting delivery…go away! 🙂 Hopefully you guys will start to eat pizza instead of bandwidth now.
On a side note, our forum is looking lonely. Join our forum! Cheers.
Tags: Deal, Dominos, site update
next time, the bandwith might not be available to us! we need to show the RESPECT that the bandwith deserves!!!
nom nom nom
You don’t want to run out of internet! =P