Today is Saturday, 8th February 2025

Daily Digest October 11, 2011



  • Siri looks just as amazing in real world iPhone 4S demo

    Sure, the Siri personal assistant looked cool in Apple’s demos both during last week’s iPhone event, and in their in-house promo videos. But those are produced by people whose job is to make Siri look as good as possible. But what about when customers get their hands on it? As the iPhone 4S has been shipping […]

  • Google+ Photos takes Picasa’s spot on the Google nav bar

    It’s a bar only a few pixels tall at the top of their sites, but Google has taken plenty of heat in the past for changes made to its cross-site navigation bar. Perhaps the most loudly protested move was the ousting of Google Reader, which was replaced by a Picasa Web Albums link labeled “photos.” […]

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