Today is Friday, 26th July 2024

Daily Digest



  • Google Wallet coming soon to destroy your real wallet

    Google hasn’t exactly been secretive about its plans to unveil an NFC-powered mobile payment system, and today the company put Google Wallet on display in New York. Along with partners like Citi, First Data, Sprint, and MasterCard, Google showed what that NFC chip in the Nexus S (and several other newer Android phones) is capable […]

  • Audio Captchas cracked by Stanford/Tulane research team

    The need to secure websites and access to accounts causes a major headache for webmasters. Multiple techniques are used to help figure out who is human, but one of the most prevalent is the Captcha test. The common Captcha presents a number of characters a user must type in to prove they are human. Those […]

  • Mozilla ponders the ultimate minimal browser, looks like your start menu

    Most modern browsers have taken on a decidedly minimal look, but there’s always room for discussion and re-tooling. Over at Mozilla Labs the team has been experimenting with some new takes on the Firefox UX like LessChrome HD, which creates more reading room by auto-hiding the Awesome Bar. LessChrome sprung forth from the Home Dash […]

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