Today is Saturday, 8th February 2025

Daily Digest



  • Next Xbox console arrives 2015 according to design sketch

    There are two questions that always come up when I get asked about the next Xbox console. The first is when it will arrive? and the second is what will Microsoft call it?
    On the question of a name, the best two guesses are the Xbox 720 or the Xbox Next. Neither of which are fantastic, […]

  • EA stops shipping manuals with Sports games

    The game manual included with most of today’s video games is a bit of an afterthought. It may have a color front cover with the the same design as on the box, but inside it is mostly black and white printed text with warning and license paragraphs alongside a page or two of control and […]

  • LG Optimus C available on Cricket Wireless for $130

    The LG Optimus C is a popular budget Android handset that is available on a number of wireless networks in one shape or form. According to Engadget, the latest provider to start shipping the handset is Cricket Wireless, who may not be as well known as say Sprint or AT&T, but they still provide respectable […]

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