Today is Thursday, 6th February 2025

Daily Digest



  • Kindle ebooks now outselling paperbacks

    Way back in July, online retailing giant Amazon dropped an interesting statistic: they were selling Kindle ebooks at a rate of two-to-one when compared to hardcover book sales.
    It was a surprising metric, but it wasn’t really clear what it meant: not only is Amazon the only place that sells Kindle books (which would artificially inflate […]

  • Insomniac & Naughty Dog not handling own IP for PSP 2 games

    While Uncharted and Resistance are confirmed as getting a release on the newly announced PSP 2, Insomniac and Naughty Dog are not developing them internally. Instead, third-party developers have been entrusted with the IP.
    Uncharted development duties have fallen to Bend Studio. Fans of Naughty Dog’s game should not be worried, though. Bend has a rich […]

  • FCC tears open Notion Ink Adam, discovers a questionably built mess inside

    One of the joys of reading gadget blogs is the inevitable teardown pics, whether conducted by the venerable FCC or our favorite tech vivisectionists over at iFixIt. It’s a chance to look at the inner workings of some of our favorite gadgets and marvel at the tightly-packed economy and graceful design of their silicon […]

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