Today is Sunday, 22nd December 2024

Archive for the ‘Videos’ Category

Cool Video: A Skydive From Space


When you’re up that high, it seems like you’re not falling at first! This is a video of Joseph Kittinger — first man to skydive from outer space using high altitude balloons. He went up to 102,800 feet (31,300 m) and accelerated up to 614 miles per hour (988 km/h).

Cool Video: More Quick and Simple Life Hacks – Part 2


Another neat video! DIY Life Hacks again. Part two.

1. Using Alternate Batteries
2. Combat Stinky Shoes
3. Find out how much propane you have
4. Cut through plastic packages quick!
5. Pack like a Pro
6. Youtube Multi-task
7. DIY Air Freshener
8. Revive or fix a pen
9. Open a Jar
10. Fill a bucket, easily

Cool Video: Quick and Simple Life Hacks – Part 1


Neat video here! It’s about do it yourself (diy) lifehacks. This is part one of the series.

1. Fixing a warped screw
2. Make your own DIY Stylus
3. Natural Paint Remover
4. Unclogging shower head naturally
5. Cleaning windows with coke
6. Garbage Bag Storage
7. Unsealing an envelope
8. Natural bug Repellent
9. Freshen up a dish pad
10. Automatic Toilet Cleaner

Cool Video: The V Motion Project


Basically, this is music created and controlled by body movement / motion.

Cool Video: Cello BeatBoxing


This guy is super talented. Check out his music video below. His name is Kevin Olusola and this is a take of him at CPR’s Performance Studio. Can you play cello and do beatboxing at the same time? I think not!


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