Today is Sunday, 22nd December 2024

Archive for the ‘Reviews’ Category

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We’ve all been there. Whether in the days back in school finishing a report or when working long hours on a project at work. You are just about to finish up and then your overheating laptop turns off, gets a virus, or freezes. Sure, you might have lost the last few minutes of your work. Sure, that is frustrating, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Now imagine you go to turn your computer back on. The power lights blink, the hard drive starts clicking and the computer turns right off. Now you’re panicking. I mean, there is no way you lost weeks of data that the rest of your team needed for the big report, right? You needed that paper to make sure you got an A on your test, or to help get you the big promotion you were working hard on.

Now we will follow this example with a few individuals:

Foose’s new alarm clock: The Sonic Bomb


First, I think everyone should know is that I still wake up at 7am every day, and I stay up until 2 or 3am doing working on my stuff.  So I really only sleep in on Sunday.   The alarm on my phone (AT&T Impulse 4G) does not work on me anymore, so after being late to work for about 2 weeks, I decided to buy a hardcore alarm.

This alarm does wonders because it wakes me from a sleep deprived rest.  The alarm emits a loud, but adjustable beeping noise (Volume and pitch can vary) while that hockey puck device, placed under your mattress, creates enough force to shake the mattress.  Each day, I wake up and think there’s an earthquake, but its effective.  Best part is, since I wake up from the shaking feature, I immediately don’t think of hitting the alarm clock.   Cost:  $30.
PS:  If you are doing Inception, do not use this for a kick…

I chose this over the other top clever designs for the following reasons:
Gun/Target Alarm Clock:  Bad reviews, and I know I’ll have the urge to throw the gun at the alarm…
Flying Alarm Clock:  Bad reviews, cheap material, and I’ll get lazy and bash the alarm clock with my elbow before I look for that damn little ball
“Clocky” Alarm Clock on Wheels:  I saw this, and the concept is that it rolls off your table and hides once you hit the snooze button, before going off again making you get up to find it.  I am like a lion, I will get up, hunt for it, and mostly likely beat the s*** out of that thing.  (Think of the greased up deaf guy from family guy and tell me how much you want to catch him and break his legs to prevent him from getting away again)
Hanging Alarm Clock:  Hangs from the ceiling over you, and when you “tap” it to snooze, it goes higher and higher until you have to stand up and put an effort in turning it off.  For me, the first few reactions will be to go tether ball on it and send it flying across the room for satisfaction.
– Any other ordinary alarm clock:   When I hear that beeping, my arm swings over and hits the clock with a good amount of force, damaging the device.  My phone, for example, has been thrown across the room many times before.

-113 db extra-loud alarm
-New green power technology now uses 60% less energy
-Improved battery (9V)  backup, will back up the time and alarm settings up to one week

-Extended cord for the vibrating device
-Rechargable 9V battery

Mionix Naos 5000 Review


I have owned this mouse for exactly a year now, and thought I’d give it the review it deserves.
logitech mionix

VIZIO XVT553SV, XVT423SV, XVT473SV Reviewed


I’ll be honest. This review is pretty late. In fact I had everything but the conclusion written and had it sitting for a year. I decided to release this information anyway because this TV is still going strong and looks amazing.

vizio xvt553sv Review 1 front

You can find the review for this high quality, yet budget conscious review on our site now. View the Vizio XVT553SV Review here.

Fastest Wireless Routers Available: 802.11ac

You may have heard about the release of the new WiFi standard: 802.11ac

The speed is rated to be 3x faster than a normal 802.11n connection. That’s a HUGE increase in speed.

AirStation AC1300 N900 Gigabit Dual Band Wireless Router WZR-D1800H NETGEAR Netgear R6300

While it won’t benefit most people who just do normal web page surfing, internet chatting, and gaming, it WILL if you do a lot of file sharing (perhaps via file servers or shared network folders), streaming from PC to PC/device, and so forth.


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