Today is Thursday, 6th February 2025

Bill Gates to Make Toilet Version 2.0


Toilet FireAs we know, Bill and Melinda Gates spend majority of their time running their new foundation. This foundation typically invests its money into important causes. It seems that they are now eyeing something new – redesigning the toilet. Because of this, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gave a Grant to Delft University of Technology to solve this crap. (pun 1).

Toilets are “wasteful” (pun 2) because they use a lot of water, and require a lot of infrastructure. They will be looking into recycling the “resources” that go into a toilet to be used as renewed water, or even fertilizer. Most importantly, they are trying to figure out how to make toilets that keep people from getting more sick.

How will this go? Only time will tell. You can view the full PDF of the toilet redesign here.

According to this video

Four out of 10 people worldwide don’t have a safe way to poop. Find out why we need a toilet revolution. We need new ideas to help reduce disease and find new ways to turn crap into valuable stuff, like fuel, fertilizer, and fresh water.

Learn more at

Enjoy the video. Thanks Bill Gates for trying to give us sh*t that matters (pun 3).

1 Comment

  1. Comments  DarkKnightH20   |  Saturday, 23 July 2011 at 2:04 PM

    Neat shizzle yo

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