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Funny Music Video: The Axis of Awesome – In The Club Tonight
Last Updated on Sunday, 16 December 2012 08:22 Written by DarkKnightH20 Sunday, 16 December 2012 08:22

This music video is about why clubs actually suck!
Tags: Funny Video | Posted under Music, Videos | 1 Comment
Petition: More Hajime No Ippo episodes
Last Updated on Monday, 10 December 2012 01:07 Written by DarkKnightH20 Monday, 10 December 2012 01:03
The anime Hajime No Ippo, also known as Fighting Spirit, was a manga – turned – anime, which started in 2000 and ended in 2009.
It was one of thte highest rated animes of all time, and continues to hold such ranking despite all the years passed.
Many have awaited a new season, but have unfortunately noticed that there has been no news about such.
The anime world would love to see more episodes, and have even recently started a petition:
Nippon Television: Please make more episodes of Hajime No Ippo
As the above shows, support for this has not wavered and there is clearly more money to make by continuing this anime. I recommend all who are interested in seeing new episodes to sign the petition, as well as get their friends to do so as well. I will be signing it myself soon as well.
It would be great if a new season was in fact created, but do note that petitions generally do not work (though a recent successful attempt was when users petitioned to bring Dark Souls to the PC — and did!). The current available seasons of Hajime no Ippo are (including OVAs):
Fighting Spirit (TV) (adaptation) ~ はじめの一歩
Hajime no Ippo – Champion Road (special) (sequel) ~ はじめの一歩 : チャンピオンロード
Hajime no Ippo – Mashiba vs. Kimura (OAV) (spinoff) ~ はじめの一歩 : 間柴vs木村
Hajime no Ippo: New Challenger (TV) (sequel) ~ はじめの一歩 New Challenger
Note that there are many rumors stating it would continue — such as voice actors signing on for an additional season. As of right now, those are NOT true. So sign the petition for support!
Tags: anime | Posted under News | No Comments
Cool Video: Nintendo Vs. Zombies – 28-Bits Later
Last Updated on Monday, 10 December 2012 03:13 Written by DarkKnightH20 Monday, 10 December 2012 03:13

This was a submission for the Nintendo Wii U challenge where you have to make a video to represent Nintendo characters and so forth. Some characters are: Mario, Luigi, Link, Samus, and more!
Tags: Games, Nintendo, Videos | Posted under News | No Comments
Video: Dark Souls II Trailer
Last Updated on Monday, 10 December 2012 02:56 Written by DarkKnightH20 Monday, 10 December 2012 02:56

Liked Demon Souls, as well as Dark Souls 1? Well, a trailer for Dark Souls 2 is now out!
Naturally, it shows absolutely nothing other than CG scenes, which allow people to speculate over what is (or isn’t) in each frame. The video was taken from Spike’s VGA’s (Video Game Awards) [hence the clapping and cheering]
This sequel promises a revamped multiplayer experience, a new protagonist, new lands to explore, new monsters and bosses, new weapons and armors, etc. Similarly, you will be an undead entity that cycles between hollow and human. It WILL be difficult, as it’s one of the selling points of the game — under the belief that if the game is challenging, it is all the more rewarding when you beat a milestone (such as slaying a hard boss or completing a task).
There is no release date, nor much other information from the creators: FromSoftware. However, it should be noted that the game WILL be released for PlayStation 3 (PS3) and the Xbox 360 consoles. Whether or not it will make its way to the Windows PC, however, is a completely different question. It took a lot of pushing just to get Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition, after all, which in itself was a late port with some nice extra content available on console versions of the game through DLC.
I’m personally hoping for some new classes and spells. It would also be nice if a town existed, but I doubt that will be the case! More information will be posted as it comes in.
Tags: Dark Souls 2, Games, Videos | Posted under Games | No Comments
How to Fix: FEAR Combat Server List Blank
Last Updated on Monday, 10 December 2012 03:14 Written by DarkKnightH20 Friday, 7 December 2012 12:57

Recently, you may have noticed that the server list for FEAR Combat started showing up empty. This is because the place where the master server list was being hosted no longer exists. You can’t find servers. And if you cannot see the list, then how can you play the game? NO WORRIES! Solution below.
Fortunately, if you have added servers to your “FAVORITES” list, then you can still see them. And if you haven’t? Well, no worries there!
You can get the full multiplayer client, a free unique CD key (sign up), AND a brand new FEAR launcher that can allow you to play on servers — all at This is great because even the client download link at the real FEAR website doesn’t work, so thank you very much MXT staff! The team has released a beta version of this launcher, which is expected to get additional updates in the future. The beta is HERE.
This is by far the best First Encounter Assault Recon multiplayer game out there. Personally, I believe that FEAR 2 and FEAR 3 / F3AR have awful multiplayer in comparison. I recommend that you play one of the MXT servers. This should work with the Steam versions of the game as well. Anyway, problem solved!
Tags: fear, Games | Posted under Games | No Comments