Today is Friday, 14th March 2025

Author Archive

Funny Video: Best 6 Seconds Ever


Here’s a random video for you.

Video: Maker vs Marker – Cool Animation


Here’s a cool animation. Street Fighter style fighting from a drawing…against a hand!

Funny Video: Flashback Attack


Check out this funny video by WongFuProductions!

Borderlands 2: Krieg the Psycho (NEW Character Class) and Level Cap and More


Available in May, this new character can be bought through DLC.

He’s a melee style character that throws dynamite.

Some of his skill trees make him easy to kill, but let him deal massive amounts of damage…so he is a “high risk”, “high reward” class.

His skilltrees are…Bloodlust, Mania, and Hellborn Skill Trees. And his action skill is Buzz Axe.

Additionally, a Level Cap DLC is being released that boosts the new cap to 61. It also adds new Pearlescent weapons for levels 51-61, and a new playthrough called Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode.

Lastly, a 4th DLC is being added. This DLC was created by Gearbox themselves (and not outsourced to another company). It’s the BIGGEST DLC that they have ever created (it’s even bigger than all of the original Borderlands DLCs even) and is suppose tp be released in late June.

So there you have it! 3 new Borderlands DLCs.

Solved: BioShock Infinite – Errors, Crashing, Lagging, Freezing, Black Screen

BioShock Infinite Game FixesBioShock Infinite is out. Thank you 2k Games w/ Irrational Games, for this lovely new BioShock chapter in the BioShock series!

Many of you are familiar with these games. They are spooky, first person shooters (FPS) games that have RPG elements and a storyline shrowded in mystery. In this particular saga — BioShock Infinite, you ex Pinkerton Agent Booker DeWitt.

So what is Your mission? To save Elizabeth, derp!

Just FYI — this game is available on Windows PC (Steam, Origin, DVD), Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 (PS3). So enjoy console gamers and computer gamers alike!

But you’re not here for a summary of the game. Right? I hope not.

Because you should be here because of encountering BioShock Infinite errors, lagging, crashing, stuttering, or suffering issues.

Perhaps you are even trying to troubleshoot some sort of other problem!

Read our suggested BioShock Infinite game fixes. Our list keeps updating so be sure to come back if we don’t have a working solution for you as of right now. And if you know of any game fixes that we don’t for this game, then please share. We’d love to hear them!


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