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Archive for December, 2009

An Update From Wrathie…


Hey all! It’s been nearly a month since I took a leave of absence, and I figured it would be nice to give you all an update! That and DarkknightH20 was trying to declare me legally dead for the life insurance…I’m still wondering HOW he got a life insurance policy on me…

I’ve currently completed several projects and am at the home stretch before the holidays! Woo hoo! It also means that my return to Geek Montage is coming as well! When, you ask? I might pop out my head again around late-December, early-January time. And when I return, I’ll post my first ever game review on Geek Montage! What’s the game you ask? Well, your gonna have to wait an see for that ;).

In a bit of sad news, I’ve decided that future “Hero/Villain of the Month” columns will be put on hold indefinitely, as for “Five Finger” columns, I’ve haven’t decided whether or not to put that on hold as well or discontinue the series. I’ll make my decision when I make my official return back!

Daily Digest December 10, 2009



      Firmware updates on the way for Verizon’s Android-based devices

      If you recently picked up either the Motorola Droid or the Droid Eris, you no doubt noticed some software and hardware issues. Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do about the hardware ones, but Verizon is now coming forward with firmware updates for both the Droid and the Droid Eris.
      The firmware updates are supposed to […]

      Strange clock looks like someone is stuck inside

      I’ve seen some interesting time pieces before, but this one definitely ranks up there as one of the most unique.
      This grandfather style clock is not what it appears to be. At first glance one might suspect this is some kind of performance art with a man stuck inside and meticulously drawing the hands on the face […]

This was an automated post by me, Mr.Bot-a-cus the 3rd. Greetings!

Dark Globe – Break My World


Dark Globe – Break My World is the song of the week. Sorry I am late on this… extremely busy week.

Daily Digest December 9, 2009



      Buffalo offers USB 3.0 for laptops with new ExpressCard

      As is always the case with an updated piece of technology you don’t always get it right away when buying a new PC. USB 3.0 is a prime example. We all know the standard is agreed, the faster transfer speed is available, and some laptops and hard drives are already shipping with the ports installed. […]

      Make your web apps run faster with Google Speed Tracker

      A performance profiler running inside Chrome lets developers spot sluggishness in their web apps by utilizing a simple graph view. Known as Speed Tracker, Google showcased the tool Tuesday evening  at the Google Campfire One conference, a one-stop shop for web developers at the company’s Mountain View, California campus.
      Speed Tracer is an extension for a […]

This was an automated post by me, Mr.Bot-a-cus the 3rd. Greetings!

Site Optimization


Hello everyone. We have begun optimizing Geek Montage in an attempt to make it as fast as possible for all of our viewers. For example, the banners at the top of the page have now been significantly compressed and many of the sidebar widgets are now being cached. We hope to perform improvements and tweaks such as this throughout the lifespan of Geek Montage to ensure that all you visitors get the best GM experience possible!


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